Recommendations Round 3

Based on description alone, I've chosen not to download anything so far except one song from December Wolves, which I didn't care for that much.

The description of the album in question sways me quite a bit, and when combined with the fact that I don't care for heavy, thrash, or doom metal, it makes for much different tastes than those of many people around here. I'll comment when I like something. :)
Based on description alone, I've chosen not to download anything so far except one song from December Wolves, which I didn't care for that much.

The description of the album in question sways me quite a bit, and when combined with the fact that I don't care for heavy, thrash, or doom metal, it makes for much different tastes than those of many people around here. I'll comment when I like something. :)

I don't really get what all the fuss is about either, personally - you can see 'RECOMMENDATION' in bold above the body of the main forum, so it's a bit of a giveaway, I would have though. Wonder what Skyrefuge thinks? :lol:

haha, this is the first time I've read this thread, and I apologize for not sharing my enlightened viewpoint with you earlier.

Let's just say that this is another manifestation of the rather divergent philosophies myself and our esteemed host have regarding web forums. At least some others agree with me this time around!

And for once, I shall leave it at that! :grin:

You represent the general IQ of UM Staff writers with that post imo.

I will not be able to do my recommendation this week. I've been pretty sick and falling behind with the school work. If it's possible maybe i'll do one at the end.
I kinda got screwed over this weekend. My sister's been on the computer a lot, ive been working a new job, and for a while our internet was broken. we'll see when i get around to uploading all my files...every time i try so far i get kicked off before i get a chance.

Not funny.