[RC Autumn Reco Madness MMXIII]

EDIT: Erik will hate it

LOL, this is kinda funny because it's probably correct. There are elements that I know he likes but he probably won't like the grindy parts, which is a lot as well. In hindsight, I could have thought out this experiment a little more. I didn't have much time in the past few days to look over my collection. Erik/Ellestin are probably the only ones that I have no idea wtf to reco and I have them consecutively.
So, I listened to Black Umbrella myself for the first time in a few years.

It is far, far better than I remember. I already liked it, but damn. Wow.
Holy shit Black Umbrella ruled :kickass:
Thanks for the upload, this is exactly what Ive been in the mood for! Gonna have to let the second album grow on me though. A few more spins should do the trick.
Erik, do you actually like this album or are you friends with the dudes? The only reason why I ask is because I would never expect you to listen to this style of metal.

i do like it, but i've also been talking to them a little bit and have been keeping up with what they've doing and going to a few of their gigs since they first started out

i think their stuff is cool and i own all their releases. it's not 100% my style but i can Totally Dig It.

i did figure that maybe you would be more at home with it than me, though
Got your album, RiA:

SONIC YOUTH - Sister (1987)

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Those are the only two I know. I should probably pick the others up, but I only dust these off every great once in awhile. From what I understand each of their albums was a bit unique, they didn't repeat themselves much.

Black Umbrella only starts to make sense after you listen a few times. At first it's kinda "yeah okay, yay '90s alt/whatever" but it builds into such a finish that it is hard to not listen a second time immediately afterward. At least that is what it does for me.
:lol: Yeah I listened to my recommendation from Zod several times yet have zero desire to write about it... but maybe I should, because it was damn good.
Yeah, pairing us up was probably a mistake :lol:

I really feel no desire to write about music anymore. If it's good it's good, if it sucks it sucks