[RC Autumn Reco Madness MMXIII]

We did re-roll, we're in round 2. Speaking of which, where is my reco Nad? :mad:


Thee Plague of Gentlemen - Primula Pestis (now in jumbo format!)

If you need it uploaded let me know...
If you want Choice #2 instead let me know.
!!!!!!! :mad: :loco:

since the tpog guy didnt fiddle kiddies after all i think you should be ok to listen to it imo
I agree with this, but the offer for #2 recommendation stands. Let me know whatchoo want, and I shall accommodate!
#2 selection for Jerry:


Old Man Gloom - Seminar III: Zozobra

I have 20 choices for #3 but you don't get any of them! These two are plenty awesome, and I think you'd dig both. Download links:

EDIT: I listened to Zozobra this morning, I still love it, but nevermind Jerry, I don't think you will. Listen to Thee Plague god dammit!
Since I'm vastly behind the rest of yus, I'm going to opt for selection #2. Geezer Gloom's album is on yt, so no upload needed. Didn't want to listen to the Paul Reubens quartet anyhow. :loco:
Dude I uploaded both albums yesterday, the links are about a foot above this post! There I made them Reader's Digest size for ye. :loco:

I haven't done my report yet, but I've listened to it several times. I like it!