Silly question.

80s thrash band that basically invented technical metal (although at the time were simply called progressive metal, but Dream Theater ruined that terminology for everyone). Ron joined the band in between their 2 releases. If you've heard Sieges Even's debut or Spiral Architect, you've heard two bands that owe a lot to Watchtower. If you dig Spastic Ink, you'll likely dig Watchtower as well, except for maybe the vocals, which are very 80s metal.
LedByTheReaper said:
I've heard of Spastic Ink, think their great (love uber technical metal) and have two albums, but who are Watch Tower?

Hey lenny, they are an ultra technical metal band filled with odd times and obscure solos. Most of the songs are very high energy and complex. EVry member of the band is really technical. The drummer (sorry forgot his name), does some insane stuff on his high hat. Damn, I gonna put on some watchtower right now!
LedByTheReaper said:
I've heard of Spastic Ink, think their great (love uber technical metal) and have two albums, but who are Watch Tower?

Damn, every time I run into someone who doesn't know them I'm remembered a whole new generation grew up since their releases - makes me feel like the old fart I am... :erk: I guess it's an opportunity to spread the word some more, though, and I've helped a few uninitiated become "believers" in the meantime - most recently Sonny Carson of Gnostic, the new band of former Atheist drummer Steve Flynn (and worth checking out for Atheist fans).

But however much Ron doesn't want to hear about it, at least until Mathematics gets underway for real, this is to many including myself the original and best progressive metal band. Never mind what bands that terms has been abused by/for in the meantime. Tower were a major influence for such great bands as Death, Atheist, Cynic, and perhaps a little more indirectly to Necrophagist, the newest addition to my personal top-5.

Rick Colaluca, Doug Keyser and Ron are each, to me, the best on their instrument, surpassing their own idols/influences in bands like Rush and Zappa, and together, again to me, surpass anything they've done when not together (I know some will disagree when Spastic Ink comes into the discussion, but I still think the compositions/arrangements with Doug are more interesting and Rick outplays anyone, including the great ones Ron used for Ink). Matter of taste, no doubt, but the "sick"ness (as Chuck would put it) of Rick and Ron on their instruments just makes Tower more enjoyable to me.

Both releases are still available (Energetic Disassembly on Monster, and Control and Resistance on Noise), so I'd say: do yourself a favor and pick them up! Always good to have a new fan - and welcome!
Noble Viking said:
^ Wow, cool. I didn't know Chuck was into Watchtower. I think Watchtower was actually a "major Influence" on Chuck though; he probably just listened to them.

He was, and he was very pleased when he got compliments from Ron on his more recent work! WatchTower were definitely an example for Chuck to strive for complexity in Human and especially ITP and onwards, but he took his inspiration from lots of places. He wasn't exactly alone in that, either: lots bands like Cynic, Atheist, Spiral Architect, you name 'em, all were influenced rather heavily by WatchTower, and I'd say that's nothing to be ashamed of, for those bands or for WatchTower!
jimbobhickville said:
Otherwise, I mostly agree with what you're saying.

Mostly!? :mad: :p ;)

Bobby's an awesome drummer, but a bit too tight for my taste. I only know him from the recordings he's participated in, and I always felt he was a bit too tight and not adventurous enough as compared to Rick's adventurous, "all over the place" kind of drumming. But that's a subjective thing, too, of course. Even Ink doesn't give me the feeling that Tower does, when often all three instruments seem to be doing their own individual solo thing, in a most jazzy way, while still coming together to create a complete and well-flowing and thrashy song. Gives me goosebumps! But then, I'm sure there's something wrong with me :p
Definitely an apples & oranges comparison, Colaluca and Bobby. Both are excellent at what they do.
For some reason I always said I would try out WT, but never did until the other day. I've heard a lot of shit-talking about McMaster's vocals in Tower and Ink, and that if it's anyone who didn't belong in the band, it was him. I listened, and I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. It fit, and I must say he's underrated. I'm not saying he's the greatest metal singer in the world, just that I really don't think he deserves the discredit he gets.
The Bobby and Rick comparison is indeed like the good ole "apples and oranges". I'm going to side mostly with my brother because we think and play so much alike. Writing Ink Complete with Bobby was one of the coolest times I've ever had writing music. However, SSoTC was the best!! Writing half of 'Control and Resistance' and the 'Mathematics' material with Rick and Doug was way too much hit or miss for me, never knowing if a tune or idea would work out or not. Sometimes very frustrating. But then sometimes coming out with something totally killer when you had no idea what to expect.

Bobby and I tend to plan things out a bit too much, and like to know exactly where we are going. Sometimes that does tend to be too much "in control". For some people, that's a great thing, for others, it's too organized.

And about Jason, I don't get why some people don't like his voice. I honestly don't understand it. But hey, I grew up listening to Geddy Lee, and think his voice is great. I guess it's just a preference thing. Jason's got great pitch, total control, can get raspy when he wants, clean whenever he wants, has great expression, you name it...

I can't get used to Geddy Lee, it's really tough for me. I have gotten ok at tuning him out...too much treble I Charlie Dominici on the first Dream Theater. Jason has a great voice and although he gets way up high, there is still balls to it. You know when he's up there he's going balls out. Geddy doesn't sound the same to just sounds high and thin.