Silly story - Enchant at my office!


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
Yesterday at work I was a little stressed (unusual for me!) as I was rushing to get out to get to the airport (as it turned out THAT never happened - too much snow!) but before I could leave I HAD to get a program run, get the results, and then investigate and fix all the problems that showed up on the report. I wasn't sure what to expect - I thought maybe there would be 5 or 6 problem items listed on the report.

I had the programmer on the phone (he was working from home) and I was talking to him as the results came on to my screen...more and more and more, pages of them! I watched in horror as the list got longer and longer and I must have been muttering "Oh nooooo" "Oh Gawd" "OH X#$&!" etc but I wasn't very loud (shock, LOL). G heard me muttering, and was like "What? What? What's going on? How many are there??? Is it a lot???" and instantly I responded with 'My list it grows, by rows and rows...' G is a smart cookie - he knows me! First thing he said was 'Huh? What? Ohhh - Enchant, right?"

It was one of those days!

As it turned out the flight was so delayed I didn't even go to the airport, and it took until 6:30 to fix all the problems!!! Oh well!!

The snow sure is pretty though! Another 6" out there from last night and it is still coming down!
