Similar bands to...


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
I have friend who isn't into metal with growling but he loves folk
I intoduced his to some of Mr. V's bands
I borrowed him Sagovindars Boning and gave him a link where he can download Otyg demos he loved it...he asked me if there are any similar style bands to Otyg...
the only band I know which has some similarity to Otyg is Fejd
apart from that I'm clueless
If he likes folkmusic he should also try Garmarna, Hedningarna, Gåte, Galtagaldr, Folque, Frifot, Två Fisk Och En Fläsk, Tre Ögon I Bäcken, Ranarim, Huldreslåt, Skrömta etc.
You can probably find most of these bands on myspace...
Linkin Park hahahah um I think Fejd is the best I can think of to be honest and their stuff is free so.. :)
IMHO, Eluveitie is not folkmetal at all. In my ears they just sound like In Flames with a violin.
Remember, in my opinion...
Yea, there's this misconception that if you add a mouth harp or a violin - or lyrics about trolls - you automatically get folk metal.