similarity between an Anthrax song and an Armored Saint song


Imported Killer
Okay, maybe I am crazy but I think I hear a similarity between an Anthrax song and an Armored Saint song.

The songs are:
Anthrax - Stealing from a Thief
Specifically the part:
"I don't need to console myself
If I don't like what I see"
*guitar solo*

and Armored Saint - "For the Sake of Heaviness"
"I don't need to fix your mind
It's already added to my wealth"
*guitar solo*

Now the song that comes to mind is Styx - "Too Much Time on My Hands"...
I hear ya!

Now, call me crazy, but I always thought that Anthrax and SOD "borrowed" heavily from each other... for example, "Milk" from Anthrax's "Attack of the Killer B's" at times sounds like "Milk" from SOD's "Speak English or Die" - am I the only one that sees this strange resemblance?? ;)
And, am I the only one to notice the similarity between MOD & SOD?

It is truly a fucked up world we live in kids.

And for that matter is there any real difference between Iraq & Iran, besides the last letter in there names?
mentalmeltdown said:
I hear ya!

Now, call me crazy, but I always thought that Anthrax and SOD "borrowed" heavily from each other... for example, "Milk" from Anthrax's "Return of the Killer A's" at times sounds like "Milk" from SOD's "Speak English or Die" - am I the only one that sees this strange resemblance?? ;)

Ok, smartass. Two can play at this. Where is "Milk" on Return of the Killer A's?

Yeah, I thought so. :grin:
Ok, smartass. Two can play at this. Where is "Milk" on Return of the Killer A's?

Yeah, I thought so. :grin:

Whachu talkin' 'bout?? I think I know what I wrote and I wrote "Attack of the Killer B's" .. and oh, yeah you should probably disregard that message saying that I edited my post... :err: must be an informatic bug or something ...
vomit said:
And, am I the only one to notice the similarity between MOD & SOD?

It is truly a fucked up world we live in kids.

Only on USA For MOD since they were mostly tunes for S.O.D.'s "2nd" album that never saw the light of day hence they gave it to Fat Boy and he took the ball and ran with it!
Can you see a resemblance between the song Sabbath Bloody Sabbath on Indians single... and some old song which Ozzy sang on?
And yeah, song "She" reminds me of Kiss. Do you happen to know why?
Can you see a resemblance between the song Sabbath Bloody Sabbath on Indians single... and some old song which Ozzy sang on?
And yeah, song "She" reminds me of Kiss. Do you happen to know why?v

I always thought there was a ressemblance between these songs and I thought I was the only one! ... weird!