
You are all insane.It's very funny that you guys can't stop finding "wrong" in dark shark's all kind of replies.Did you get fun from that????You don't like anyone just ignore him,ok?

The fact is you are all tired of peace,isn't it??"people!!!unite!!aim at dark shark!!"You get more fun from that instead of music.
I remember you promised us to leave this board. I even remember your post where you told us your finally farewell.
So, you still here and no one even care about it and continue to reply to your posts (for ex. me). Why are you fail to be satisfied? Concerning to Dark Shark. This person is very expressive and naive for this forum and for such music in general. I think that before asking something (I mean starting new thread) a clever person first will try to find the answer him self (though look at the prvious pages of the board). So, that is my oppinion and that's why I judge others so strong.
Yes,I supposed not to post here anymore,because bossy people rule this forum.but I still lurk around here to check more info about Hypocrisy.Once I saw metalage post the alarming thread.I thought the whole things was over.and obviously,I said sorry for my abused words.peace would come back.Now,I am wrong.what I saw was that some "pricks" still be mean to shark.And you tell me what's wrong with his post for this thread???

what I'm not satisfied is that three or four people(seems are mature people) couldn't let the whole-hing passed after metalage presentings point of that.

I vote that you guys burn yourself for purifing evil.cause you are the "originator of the fight" and narrow-mind.

Oppressors...good luck.
i dunno but i think shamateur changed a lot in the past. (at least in the time between my rare visits here)

the new shamateur is like:
"I remember you promised us to leave this board. I even remember your post where you told us your finally farewell.
So, you still here and no one even care about it"

the old shamateur would have been like:
"Nice you changed your mind and stay with us, cause we're all fucking hypocrites!"

where did the old sham go?
" the cross................die to be in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burn By The Cross
I dunno what to answer you, lady. You always say "good bye" and never leave.
Here is a peace of freedom, so every one have a right on his own point of view. Dark Shark had came here and bull shit began. Tell me please, how can forumers ignore posts that simply waist this board? No one can walk by. So the reaction was immediately. Is everything clear?
lmao @ the newbie posts. it's cute how they're all trying to stand up for their fellow retards.

anyways, back on topic, just checked out Zonaria, fuck they are pretty damn similar! I don't like their vocals as much, they go a little too '-core', but the music itself is far better than I expected.

personally I don't think there's anything wrong with sounding -that- similar (besides the problem, for them, of being compared unfavorably), nothing to sue over, it's really quite a compliment, it's not like it takes anything away from Hypocrisy.
Didnt knew about Zonaria
Their last album seems pretty fair to me, think Im gonna grab it.
The vocals sometimes remind me of Peter, sometimes of Shagrath, but in a more sterile way, with far less range obviously (*judging only from what Ive heard so far) but music sounds pretty good