Since I'm bored, I'll introduce myself...

Bob McBojit

Kirk Johnson's No. 1 Fan
I've made a coulpe of posts here so far, but most of them have gotten nasty responses or no responses before. Since nobody knows me here (except one person who's been boning me regularly), I'll start a thread where you can ask questions about me.

Yeah, so... the basics are as follows...
My name's Gary. I have a demented sense of humour. I don't think it would be a difficult guess to see who my favourite band is considering where I am, but other bands I love are Akercocke and Iron Maiden. And a tonne of other bands, but Nevermore, Akercocke and Maiden are the Holy Trinity to me, basically.
i bone chromatose. even during the "volcanic" week. on the bed, in the shower, on chairs, floor....

now be more specific!:D
Well, the use of the word 'bone' was a joke.
Unknown, who posts here semi-regularly, got me into Nevermore, as well as a few other bands such as Agalloch and Arcturus. Even though we live on seperate sides of the planet and such, but yeah.
The word 'bone' was a drunken joke more than anything.
Hi Gary!! I'm Troy
I'm Like the Flower In The Attic around here..they know I here, but choose to disdain


Corpuscles Insalubrious