Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2
Metal Blade - 3984-14496-2 - 2004
By Patrick Walsh


Right. Six Feet Under are always going to be one of those love 'em or loathe 'em groups, but I never really gave a damn either way. Garveyard Classics 2 really takes the biscuit though; an album consisting of AC/DC's Back In Black. Covered. In its entirety. Sounds absurd, and it is, but the problem lies not so much in the idea (although it is a stupid one) but in the atrocious execution.

Six Feet Under manage to completely suck the life out of Back in Black, which was no doubt the point in the first place, but that doesn't make it any less shite. The band plays each song in such a disinterested sounding way as to reduce them to a bland mess. Chris Barnes' vocals are laughable, woeful plodding growls that are completely devoid of any semblance of emotion or passion. Surely what made these songs so appealing in the first place was their exuberant energy? To make matters worse, the band insists on playing the whole thing note for note, failing to inject any kind of an individual stamp onto it, thus rendering the whole thing completely pointless.

If you really want to hear death metal-ed up versions of these songs, i'd recommend playing the original through a distortion box rather than subject yourself to this pap. And don't even think about suggesting that I don't 'get' what the band were trying to achieve here, because as I said before, it doesn't make this whole thing sound any less shit. Presumably the band wanted to pay homage to their heroes, but completely fucking up their most famous album is no way to go about it.


Six Feet Under's Official Website
Metal Blade's Offical Website