SIX FEET UNDER - Graveyard Classics 2


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
ALBUM: Graveyard Classics 2

LABEL: Metal Blade Records


1. Hells Bells
2. Shoot to Thrill
3. What Do You Do for Money Honey
4. Givin the Dog a Bone
5. Let Me Put My Love Into You
6. Back in Black
7. You Shook Me All Night Long
8. Have a Drink On Me
9. Shake a Leg
10. Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution


This album is a complete waste of time and money and Metal Blade should be shot for allowing this piece of trash to come into my hands. This album has taken classic AC/DC tracks and rendered them with black vocals. Why the fuck would anyone buy this is beyond me? The vocalist is crap, the music is third class and the recording has taken place in someone’s bathtub!

Six Feet Under . . . please stay under and never ever raise your head, let alone your fist!

Reviewer – Chief B
Rating – 0 /10
I had a hard time sitting through this even once to review it. It sounds like death metal karaoke. The music is decent--some down tuning but pretty much note for note. But the vox are nothing short of hilarious. Horrible exectution of a horrible idea.
Why did they do that? At the band meeting they decided to do this, they should have said "yeah, I would like to cover one of the most respected albums in rock history, but we're SIX FEET UNDER, and we really shouldn't do such things."

As if I didn't dislike this stupid band already.
Even if it wasn't someone as hilariously inept as SFU, the whole idea of covering an album in its entirety, especially from a band who has made a mint essentially covering themselves album after album, is one that demands an automatic zero.
I don't think it's always a horrible idea. Some bands do it live, and that is a little more interesting. The problem with this is that they didn't rearrange the music at all and Barnes' vocals suck. AC/DC has that bluesy, hip swinging vibe, and his vocals have tank-like mobility. It just chokes out the music. Johnson's vocal performance is no more natural than Barnes', but the difference between the two is night and day.
Yeah live is one thing, but a whole studio album cover is a bit goofy. Les Claypool's Frog Brigade - Live Set 2 is the entire Pink Floyd - Animals in its entirety, but is performed with class, and is basically an official live bootleg.

Although I'll bet it's mostly just the fact that SFU blows massive chunks, were it a better band this wouldn't be such a terrible idea. :Spin:

EDIT: This post brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.
Erik said:
There's also Dream Theater "Master of Puppets" on disc now, which is utterly retarded as well. Oh, look at us, we're poofy wimps and posers trying to thrash! We also have a shit singer and add keyboards to the songs for that extra gay flavour!


Dream Theater is cool (besides their vocalist who is completely ghey), but what the fuck were they thinking. Fuck off to them.

Sleep time!
matt99_crew said:
The problem with this is that they didn't rearrange the music at all and Barnes' vocals suck.
Somebody once said, "death vocals >>>>>>>>>> clean vocals". Unbelievable that there are people out there who will think this Six Feet Under album is actually better than "Back in Black" because it has death vocals. It's just all wrong, wrong, wrong.
If anyone likes this better than Back in Black they deserve the treatment. PILLOW TREATMENT.
The flyer that came with this album stated that the band had spent ages putting this album together. WTF? I don't understand how a band or record label can say that, when they are ripping someone's album off - and turning it into a third class rendition.
They ( Brian Slagel and Chris barnes ) made this work of shit to make money off the fucking people dumb enough to buy into this load of shit.

ANYONE can sing? like Chris Barnes and do the same fucking thing. Who wants to hear a bunch of classics ruined and pay to hear it?

How much weed does it take to make people stupid enough to buy this ? apperantly not much at all.

I would'nt listen to this crap if you paid me to.