

Solens Krona
Jul 13, 2007
Vintersorg, vad betyder ordet "skimär" ??? :cry:
"Över nordriket målas den trolska skimär" ???
Jag såg även ett stavfel på din hemsida i texten till låten "Under Norrskenets Fallande Ljusspel". Det står på hemsidan nordiket men jag antar att det ska vara nordriket :rolleyes: Det är ingen kritik bara en upplysning :p
1) osv.) ((†) r. l. m. LINNÉ Gothl. 315 (1745; i bet. 2), PoetK1821, 2:68 (i bet. 1), DALIN (1854; i bet. 2)); best. skimret (ss. r. l. m. skimmern); pl. (numera bl. tillf.) == ( ATTERBOM LÖ 1: 235 (1824), ÖSTERGREN (1939; angivet ss. sällsynt)). (förr äv. chi-, schi-)
[jfr dan. o. nor. skimmer, t. schim- mer; till SKIMRA; i de nordiska språken möjl. delvis lånat från (l. påverkat av) t.]

1) om förhållandet att ngt skimrar (se SKIMRA 1), skimrande ljus l. sken l. glans. Lampans bleka skimmer.
SCHULTZE Ordb. 4423 (c. 1755).
VetAH 1810, s. 272 (hos insekt.
Alla rummen i hela palatset äro rikt upplysta och från fönstern utströmmar en flod af skimmer. CRUSENSTOLPE Tess. 4: 324 (1849).
(En viss skalbagge) är grön med violett skimmer. NF 3: 1365 (1880).
Det är skim*mer i molnen och glitter i sjön, / det är ljus öfver stränder och näs. FRÖDING Stänk 53 (1896).
Ljusets härlighet, fär*gernas skimmer fyllde till brädden prins Eugens långa och lyckliga liv. BÖÖK i 3SAH LVIII. 1: 11 (1947).–

Should be related to German "Schimmer" and English "shimmer" btw.
O.E. scimerian "to glitter," related to (perhaps a frequentative of) scimian "to shine," also "grow dark," and scinan (see shine). Ultimately from P.Gmc. *skim- (cf. Swed. skimra, Du. schemeren "to glitter," Ger. schimmern), from PIE base *skai- "to gleam, to shine." The noun is attested from 1821, from the verb.
Yeah, but spelling is unimportant when it comes to languages. Besides mystär is stressed on the last syllable while skimmer is stressed on the first one! ;)
As far as I know it's the same word as chimera (the mythological creature), and I think it can also be used to about something illusionary or vague and diffuse.

I translated it to "chimera" in my Vintersorg lyric translations, don't remember which dictionary was used for that word, but we checked each translation pretty rigorously so it should be correct.
Yeah. In the English language, at least, Chimera can be used to describe something as being fantastic; an unrealistic combination of things. I always remember it because Rousseau uses it in that way at some point in the Social Contract to describe something (English teacher pointed it out to us in high school when pressed by a non-native speaker about the word).
On the old V's forum where you had the first three songs of OS translated by Mr. V himself, he translated it as Chimera, so this should confirm further amf's words
Yes, that's correct!
Vintersorg is known to use a lot of old words and different to boot!
There are many times I was lost in what the songtexts wrote.
Yeah but it's pretty weird that he wrote it in the wrong way because my friend who is a human dictionary said me that skimär is incorrect and for that I asked to Vintersorg but it seems like V doesn't take care about it :err:
Everyone can make a mistake and I just wanted to tell him about it, but it seems like this isn't important.

Remember, he's a busy man. He hasn't been on the boards since you posted this so he hasn't seen the question. I wouldn't take it so personally if I was you.
interesting....just for myself i would not make much trouble with translations, but my son was asking and i think its important to give exact informations to the kids and and answer their questions as good as possible. so i gave a booklet to swedish friend for translation help. but that was 8 or 10 weeks