Skyfire > Touring?


Shadow chaser...
Apr 25, 2002
Västerås - Sweden
Hi guyz...

Have you heard anymore about any tourdates?
I´m pretty sure the rest of the world would be thrilled to see you live.

Have you thought anyhing of coming to Västerås (Club Rockers)?
Would be really nice to meet you guyz again and throw on another party!!! :D
At the moment things are running pretty slow :bah:
We haven't rehearsed for a while, but that will hopefully change soon.

No tourdates, no gigs... no nothing... right now our main goal is to write new material for the album... but who knows what will happen in the summer :D

We will definitely come to Västerås again to party with you guys! Last time was a blast!! :D :headbang:
Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected
1 outa 2 is that enough? ;)
Missing Baileys!!! I´m drinking Kahlua/beer/Whiskey instead. :D
But there is allways alot of metal music though!
Allways akot of metalheads on our parties... :headbang:

And don't forget all the CS-chat... :mad:
