Where did your hear (about) Skyfire

Originally posted by opacity
I cannot post it anyway, cos I don't have webspace somewhere to give you a link there.
but I'm working on it cos I want my avatar back, too.

I also have a freeservers account that i have a few peoples avatars on so if you want feel free to icq me or email me your pic/avatar =)
As far as i can remember i saw a review somewere in the net when i found skyfire ... im not mutch into their music (ok kill me now)...but it seems a nice board
yeah this board is by far my favorite, having Jonas cater to our every whim is indeed nice ;) (im just kidding Jonas hehe, your the man for actually intereacting with us as much as you do)

Thus this being my fav board, I celebrate 4000 posts here! :rock: Im off to create a pointless 4k post thread :rock:
i have to agree with all the above who state the gr8ness of this board

more to the point i first heard skyfire when i asked one of my friends to make me a tape of his favourite black/death metal tracks, "dimensions unseen" was one of the tracks on there.

that was about 8 months ago, but only recently have i downlaoded the rest of the tracks and joined the forum.
@jonas i had a bad day/night so i ended up staying up, i gotta make a call to wal-mart about a job....than ill prolly try and get some snooze hours in.....

@shmeir hrm, yeah i got mine from amazon hehe. Look around ont he net your bound to find it.
@F_V, its annoying as hell cause the site claimed i hadn't filled in my details properly when i obviously had :mad:!!!!

i dont like to but of the net unless i can help it cause of all the fraud nower days, so i like to keep to well known companies.
I was checking blackmetal.com the day it came out and it was described as "metal for those who like theory and counterpoint" so I bought it without hearing it, hehehe...