Skyfire live report

Hehehe... :)

My first time (hash) were a total flip out! :spin:
(I don´t do drugs anymore. And yes, in sweden hash/marijuana is considered a drug)
I ran around completely certain that I were seing dinosaurs and were trying to chase them! I never caught any though!!! ;) I also was told that I thought I had a laser-sword fight with my best friend. Actually I were throwing snowballs at him! :loco:

The day after at school I slept at every lesson! I wasn´t that polpular with the teachers that day! ;)
I first 8and last) got high on the Him concert in December 2001 here.

The guys I was there with could actually convince me that the black-haired woman sitting in the front was actually Ville Valo's brother.
Originally posted by neal

you have an ibanez right? all of my friends that have had an ibanez had that same problem. dont buy ibanez equipment, its PURE SHIT!

That's true for most, but not all of their equipment. Being a bass player (actually I play some guitar too), I've hated every Ibanez bass I've played except for the BTB series, which are BY FAR their best mass produced basses. I compared it with several expensive, high-end basses, and it wasn't far behind at all. In fact, I prefered the feel of it to that of others that cost several hundreds of dollars more, so I ended up getting for myself (being a poor college kid, I could really afford the nicer ones). At the same time though, I was severly limited to the # of basses I could choose from because I tend to like many strings.

But all in all, in my experience, it was a great buy and definitely worth more than what I paid for it.