Where did YOU first hear about Opeth?

dorian gray said:
Miller High Death....awwwwwwesome name. Best I've seen so far. Yes, that magazine would have been Terrorizer. I'm amazed you even remember the other bands that were featured. That had to be sometime in 2002. Thanks for reminding me by the way.

You must've been in high school as the same time as me - or close to it - if someone was wearing a Morningrise t-shirt. I wonder where I'd be today if I listened to death metal back then. I was too busy with Yngwie! Ha! Is he still alive? I saw his fat face somewhere in a magazine awhile back.

Thanks for the compliments on the name. Could you guess where the name came from? I'm not sure how obvious it is to everyone else that I took the name from a beer I drink and manipulated it to make it totally metal. :kickass: I dug in my closet and found my Terrorizer prog issue. It was from jul/aug 2002. I was wrong about Ulver, they weren't in it, I confused them with Arcturus. I was right about Rush though! Recognize the issue?

I was in high school from 94-98, how about you then?

miller high death.....man, i hope its obvious to other people where you got the name. i was just reading it as "that guys name is miller high...what?...death?....ha!....instead of life!" thats when i decided it was really good. still is.

i dont remember the cover of the mag. im surprised to see mikael on it but i guess i wouldnt have recognized him since thats where i first learned about opeth. i also remember reading it for free at borders and it mustve been the day before the new one came out because i never found it again.

jesus im old. i GRADUATED in 94. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. im older than both martins. sad.
I "found" Opeth.....god, I can't remember! Sometime before the release of BWP if I remember right.

I had been into death metal before that, mainly American death metal. Then I started to buy quite a few Swede albums. Through the wonders of the internet I "discovered" Opeth in my Swedish metal craze.
hmm... January 2000, one friend, who was in to metal and had bunch of metal CDs and stuff... then I found an Orchid cassette. Listened it and i was amazed... about year later i bought MAYH and Morningrise which I never heard before and later all other stuff...
a friend showed me the leper affinity. looking back, i realize now that opeth is kinda like an acquired taste. first listen, i didn't really like the song. but after a listen or two it grows on you.

interesting side note: when the US was doing that whole countdown thing until we went to war with Iraq, i was watching it on the news while listening to leper affinity, and as the clock was counting the final seconds, that quiet piano part at the end came on...it was an interesting moment, very well timed.
I heard them on the radio, it was Masters Apprentices...I was so tired that night but I listened to the whole song anyway. I really thought the growling to singing was cool so I wrote their name and now I listen to em.
I was on the very lovely Candlelight Records website, looking for Peccatum, it must have been 1999. I read about Opeth but had never had the opportunity to hear them. That summer, I was in St. Louis and found a copy of MAYH for $10.99usd. I had the guy open it and I skimmed through the tracks - I could hardly wait to get home and give it a real listen. Everything changed that evening.. that fateful evening.

Since then I've purchased every release (Still Life twice) as soon as it hit the shelves, and i'm looking to get some nice new (old?) archival copies of the whole library..mm...
I remember it vividly.

It was August 2001 for me.

I kept hearing all of this buzz about this strange band called “Opeth” all over the internet, so I ended up downloading Blackwater Park off of Winmx.

Of course, within a month I owned every Opeth album and I was a converted Opethian…….
I was reading about Tool, and I remember in a review, the reviewer comparing two other, less known bands to Tool: they were Opeth and Arcturus. Fate had it that I downloaded a couple of songs by each of these bands, and while the Opeth ones didn't catch my interest THAT much at first due to the death vox, the Arcturus songs bored me to death and I neverl listened to them again. So I kept trying to listen to Opeth a bit for a while, and eventually (I think) gave up. This was in the late months, (probably October) of 2002. Then, on December 27, 2002, I had Christmas money to spend so I went down to a record store, probably intending to check look for a CD by another band I was just getting into. This other band was Dream Theater, and the cd was Scenes from A Memory. While there, I happened to spot a cd by Opeth... Blackwater Park. I picked up both of these albums, and at first loved the Dream Theater much more. I was even at this point transfixed by the wonderful artwork and lyrics of the Opeth album... then one day as I was getting a bit bored with Scenes From A Memory I decided to give Opeth another chance, sitting down with the lyrics. This time I was awestruck, and the rest is history, now I own all their albums (except MAYH which I will purchase soon), and the DVD, and they are in my top 3 fav bands.
i'm pretty new...
a guy, at my church of all places, loves opeth and so i did an impulse buy of lamentations when it came out and was totally hooked.
subsequebtly bought all the other albums immediately and am hopelessly in love.
i really don't know jack shit about most of the bands y'all know about, but Opeth is great!!!
Heard about them from a friend on the Tourniquet Discussion Zone. Many Tourniquet fans appreciate and listen to a lot of "smarter" and more technical music. I downloaded Bleak and Blackwater Park and thought it was pretty cool. I subsequently traded said friend some CDs for Blackwater Part, Orchid, Morningrise, and MAYH (he ended up with duplicates when he got married since his wife was an Opethian also). Since then, I purchased Still Life, Deliverance, Damnation, and Lamentations, and have seen them twice. They've almost ousted Tourniquet as my favorite band. Maybe a tie actually.
good stuff. i like the stories.
bigbear: i like it. sounds like something ive done before.
iameternal: just wondering, do you still like dream theater? im wondering what you think of the new album. a few here have shared negative criticism but i think its really good.