First time you listened to Skyfire


The sky is on fire !!!
May 24, 2003
mevasseret, israel
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Interesting question.

Skyfire aren't so popular band, non of my friends and non of the people I know heard about them. So I guess it's not easy to find out about less popular bands. I must say that I did (and still do) everything I can to make them more popular. Most of the people I let them listen to Skyfire are very impressed.

However, this is how I've heard about them:

I was listening to 'Snakenet Metal Radio' (, and 'Dimensions Unseen' was played. I was so amazed :eek: and the rest is history since then :)
Back when I was a video game addict last summer, I was just starting to get into metal to listen to whilst I played. :p What I'd do is pick bands I already liked, search for them on a p2p program, and see what the people who had that music also had. i'd just check out bands with cool names...and skyfire sounded pretty cool so lo and behold i got a song by them. it said the name was skyfire, but it was actually By God Forsaken. I just ordered the CD on a whim, because I really liked the song (and the lyrics! Go martin!) and put it on one day at 5 AM...:) I was converted then, hehe.
one of my freinds told me about them...i downloaded a couple clips on Skyfires site ( i think thats were i got them) the song Timeless Departure is my fav song from them..its so badass...i got there cd off of ebay since no one else had it.
Back in 2001 I was searching for some new bands after having recently discovered In Flames and somehow I got ahold of "Fragments of Time" through Audiogalaxy I think...but rest assured I was hooked from that moment :tickled:
I think it was back in 1997...
I was lookin around on one day last summer, skimming thru the bands section, seeing if any looked like they were worth checking out. I was lookin for ones with similar descriptions as in flames and dark tranquillity, melodic death bands like that. It called skyfire melo death, i read their bio, sounded cool. I downloaded "From Here to Death"(labeled on kazaa as timeless departure). The song grew on me every time i listened to it until i bought the cd! I've been a fan for almost a year now it seems! \m/ time flies when you are headbanging eh?
my friend read a good review of TD and got it off napster like right when it came out. i dont really remember the details but he probably burned me a copy because he knew id like it too. and i did.
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I was looking for more melodic stuff on Audiogalaxy (a long time ago) and I downloaded Timeless Departure...all the song titles muddled of course. I hated it. The keyboards made me baulk. So I didn't listen to it for a couple of months, and for some reason when I stuck it on again, I was hooked. I guess I just understood it all better. Got the cd 2 days after and have been enthusiastic since. mind revolution should be arriving soon.
I wasn't really a fan of metal at all, just maybe some Metallica or Iron Maiden here and there, and I had been trying to get into it since I was sick of forcing myself to listen to punk since it's what all of my friends listen to. Eventually someone introduced me to In Flames, and they were, of course, amazing. I started looking around the internet for stuff like them, and I think I may have just accidently found Skyfire or descovered Thyrfing first, but eventually I had gotten my hands on Within Reach and Dimensions Unseen. Thank God I listened to Dimensions first.

Something I find interesting is that I descovered Children of Bodom because I was already a Skyfire fan.
I got some Mp3s sent to me on ICQ by a friend. I had never heard of Skyfire before then. I got two tunes, From here to death and by god forsaken. And i liked them both. A few weeks later i bought the album and discovered that "From here to death was actually "timeless departure" wrongly renamed, and "by god forsaken" was the tune "skyfire" ;D But it was still skyfire. :loco:
jaa ni, I cant really remember, must have been really really drunk at that time... Well probably I found out about Skyfire at some other forum here at UM... All I know is that I have had timeless departure for about a year, and that I obviously liked it :)