Slam death guitar help.


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2012
Hi, i'm working on a project that is in the Slam Death Metal area of music. And i have a problem. The guitars sound like they are 100 meters away, and not close enough to pack a real punch. I've read on the forum about compression and EQing might solve the problem, but it havent helped for me.

So, how do i get my guitars "closer" in the mix?

It's 2 guitartracks panned left/right.
1 bass track
1 Superior Drummer track.

Any mixing tips in general would be cool as well.
slight saturation in the end of the FX-chain helps a lot. It brings in some high frequency details and makes the guitar sound a lot closer. You can find many saturation plugins all over the internet many of them are also free.

Listening to the sample, there seems to be something wrong with that guitar tone at the input, sound like noisy DI to me... maybe record another take and pan it center... it's not pretty typical approach but might help.
Turn up the amp until the cabinet begins to color and distort the palm muted notes. Amp sims won't get you punch.
Check out Variety of Sound plugins. They have some killer stuff.

You got any specific plugin-tips? I'm using FerricTDS for saturation. And that is from there.

And i always have the amp as high as possible, you dont mean the cabs? JakeAC5253?
Sorry, I have no expertise in that area, I was under the impression that you were using a tube amp and mic. For fun, you can send me the guitar and bass guitar DI's for a short section of song, maybe under a minute, and I can reamp them and see if I can nail a slam death sound for you.