Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

I live in Montpellier, France. I filled in
City : Montpellier
State: I chose Maine
Postal Code: I typed my actual postal code, it didn't check if it was valid according to the city/state.
Phone number: I typed my real phone number
I live in Montpellier, France. I filled in
City : Montpellier
State: I chose Maine
Postal Code: I typed my actual postal code, it didn't check if it was valid according to the city/state.
Phone number: I typed my real phone number

She did all what you said and this still pops out:

Unable to authorize card: 15005: This transaction cannot be processed. Unless otherwise noted, verify the credit card number, security code, and expiration date are valid and verify the address and zip code match that of the card holder before re-trying.

Don't understand what's causing the problem!
Ok guys, this is my last attempt to solve my problem with the payment.
My friend from Germany is going to make the payment instead of I need to tell her exactly what to do, 'cause she has some issues with this :rolleyes:! Problem due to US/Canada...
So, anyone willing to help me out here?

Order By:
Please fill out required fields.

1.* Full Name: HER full name, right?
2.*Company: (not required)
3.* Address 1: HER full address, right?
4.*Address 2: (not required)
5.* City: HER city or city from country that SHE needs to choose from dropbox menu US/Canada (a bit confusing ) BTW she's from Bonn.
6.* State/Province: Problem
7.* Postal Code: of Bonn or? ( confusing )
8.*Country: US or Canada?
9.* Phone: HER phone? & Ext.not required
10.*Fax: not required
11.*E-mail: HER email or mine?

Second Step

1.* Type of Credit Card: Let's say VISA
2.* Credit Card Number: like this 0000-0000-0000-0000 or this 0000000000000000 for example.
3.* Expiration: from credit card ( OK )
4.* 3 or 4 digit Authorization code : ( OK )

So this is it! I know this sound funny or even stupid but :cry:

Thank you in advance!

Is there no way you can use paypal?
it may not like you paying with your card from a non US/Canada place (although some people managed it)
I know some USA webshops dont allow international card use as fraud protection.
If you dont have one sign up for a paypal account and use that.
Is there no way you can use paypal?
it may not like you paying with your card from a non US/Canada place (although some people managed it)
I know some USA webshops dont allow international card use as fraud protection.
If you dont have one sign up for a paypal account and use that.

Unfortunately no, my account is empty right there any other quick solution?
Unable to authorize card: 15005: This transaction cannot be processed. Unless otherwise noted, verify the credit card number, security code, and expiration date are valid and verify the address and zip code match that of the card holder before re-trying.
Mmmmh, did she check "Visa" (if her card is a VISA) and the credit card number, security code and expiration date? Or maybe it's some kind of protection from her bank which, here, is not helping you much...
Mmmmh, did she check "Visa" (if her card is a VISA) and the credit card number, security code and expiration date? Or maybe it's some kind of protection from her bank which, here, is not helping you much...

Yes She did! Looking for solution right now...thanks Brett!
Ok, finally got to the studio and had some time to play around with this plugin.

This thing can get me the same loudness as my loudest reference mixes (Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth). I could not get that with the Sonnox Limiter wich started do distort a little too early.
I found that I needed to automate the ITP parameter to "smooth" for passages with guitars only and no drums to avoid distortion. I used to do the same thing with the knee parameter in the Sonnox Limiter.
(If you wonder what i'm talking about just listen to the first track of Dimmus Borgirs puritanical Euphoric Eisanthropia when the guitars kicks in after the classic intro right before the blast beats, same problem there...)

I also like to engage the compressor, just shaving of 0.5db.

Another thing I like is to run a multiband compressor before the FG-X just kicking in every now and then in neccesary passages. I use TC Electronic MD3 for this purpouse. I'd rather have a plugin take care of eventual frequency leveling before hitting the "limiter".

The metering is preferable to the peak/RMS meter in Samplitude, so that is another bonus.

So far i'm really into this plug. Thumbs up for Slate & Co.

I have to wait until I have money on my paypal account. Never had to transfer money to paypal until now. I hope that's not a problem.
Here's the list updated:

We already achieved the maximum discount, 66 paid.

1. Brett - K A L I S I A PAID
2. TomCase PAID
3. JoshuaLogan PAID
4. ParsonsMatt PAID
5. ahjteam PAID
6. Wisheraser PAID
7. chree PAID
8. Emdprodukt PAID
9. Matt-Steele PAID
10. jamvanman PAID
11. Morgan C DROPPED OUT
12. Ashgarth PAID
13. enditol PAID
14. Agonal PAID
15. SentencedToBurn PAID
16. MicSlut666 PAID
17. AMaziad PAID
18. Rob Logic
19. Coerti0n PAID
20. shine PAID
21. abt PAID
22. Mikko Vainiala PAID
23. Sinister Mephisto PAID
24. Ohmission PAID
25. Seth Munson PAID
26. Kazrog PAID
27. Cognition PAID
28. Kev PAID
29. jipchen PAID
30. nuclearass
31. AboutBlank PAID
32. AHChris PAID
33. Lasse Lammert PAID
34. Sickan PAID
35. Eduardo Apolonia PAID
36. Soultrash PAID
37. Teddyboy PAID
38. aortizjr PAID
39. nwright PAID
40. xFkx PAID
41. jangoux PAID
42. Erkan
44. guitarguru777 DROPPED OUT
45. hct PAID
46. ttrentt DROPPED OUT
47. Norsyna PAID
48. MisterDMZ PAID
49. Saculus PAID
50. nialldoran PAID
51. mr.L. PAID
52. theblackmoon PAID
53. Gregson
54. Straight Shooter PAID
55. JasonAaronAdams
56. BLUElightCory PAID
57. The_Shred
58. avrinder PAID
59. paladin shredder PAID
60. TheIllusionist PAID
61. Stillborn PAID
62. cyril_v PAID
64. Zombietakeover PAID
65. exoslime PAID
66. Perishh PAID
67. horndog PAID
68. Antithesist
69. nickkbh PAID
70. dcdanman
71. Supra1 PAID
72. lolzgreg PAID
73. Melodeath
74. Trevoire520 PAID
75. samih PAID
76. J-Mac PAID
77. DigitalMetal PAID
78. supahd PAID
79. blackcom PAID
80. john111 PAID

People listed under here showed interest, please confirm you are in:
Aaron Smith
FYI I have paid, as I mentioned yesterday. Although, I'm not positive it went through, as paypal says the payment is pending. But, my account definitely has $249 less than it did, and the pending" could be bc it was a hold amount.