Slate into Superior


Apr 18, 2010
So I was curious. I have Slate drums loaded into Kontakt and just using a kick and snare from that and I have Superior running separately with the rest of the kit. Is there a way I can load Slate samples into Superior. If not is there a way I can route the sames from Slate at least into the room mic of Superior?
You'd have to use the midi for your kick and snare in Slate in conjunction with Superior, and drop the fader for kick and snare in Superior's mixer.
Either make an impulse of the room mic, or just play them alongside each other, with Superior's close mic muted. The room sounds in superior are those created when the actual kit was sampled. The only way to truly get the room sound of Superior is to record at Avatar, but I don't think that's happening. Every hit in the room mic is from that actual drum hit hitting the room mic inside superior.