Slate to Superior

I wasn't able to and you can't route the samples to the OH and AB mics. :/\

You can use both together and just route the instruments to the drum bus or just make individual instrument buses then to drum bus.
I see, do you know how to use EZ player to convert superior maps to slate maps?
Just bounce the individual sounds out, then mix and blend from there.

Not quite sure what you mean. I have midi created using Superior and the drums don't match up in Slate. Snare plays instead of tom, etc.

Any way I can transcribe from one to the other easily?
If your snare note does a Tom hit in slate, you're doing something wrong. They all have their own maps for the extra articulations or sounds but the basic midi notes from the general midi convention should be respected.

Use 36 for kick, 38/40 snare, 42 closed hat, 46 open hat, 41/43/45/47/48 for toms (48 maybe isn't allocated since most banks don't have 5 toms), 51 for ride, 49/57 for crash, 52 for china

If I'm right these are the most used notes. Then you can tweak by experimenting with the specific mapping of your drum software.