Slate says i cant make TCI´s with my SSD wav files

Slate has already contacted me and said that it isn't a problem (making the tci´s)
and that the technical support employee that answered me must have misunderstood the question.
I wouldn't want anyone getting fired or even scolded for something as "stupid" as this little mistake.

As i said before this is the first "problem" i have with them.
They have always been very good (and fast) with other questions or inquiries.

But still no answer to my original question....................:confused::goggly:
Umm... Not sure if it's appropriate to make fun of the person in question being fired. Everybody fucks up once in a while and most likely this person also clings to his / her job the same way most of you do.

Sent from my Radar C110e using Board Express

to quote brad pitt's character from inglorious bastards...

"nah, i'll get chewed out. but that's ok...i've been chewed out before."

I have my doubts that slate even has the security data on the samples at all, just trying to scare people away from sharing them.

i wonder about this too. to be honest, i have a copy of SSD 3.5 which i'm pretty well sure can't have any security info - at least not anything that would trace back to me - but out of respect for slate i keep them to myself
Thought this was a bit fishy. But, glad Slate came in and cleared it up for you. Good that he's going to make sure his employee gives out the right information too :)
Hi everyone, Ashley here from tech support.

I must apologise for any misinterpretation/misguidance my reply has invoked. I've just seen the misplaced furore on this the Ultimate Metal forum! I presumed incorrectly thus that the files striped with code are in fact compatible for conversion with the Instrument Maker and not as referenced with serial license and/or locked unable to convert to other formats. It "is" as stated within our license policy that our samples are not to be converted to other formats without the express permission of Yellow Matter Entertainment, so I was simply repeating that. Again I apologise for any misinterpretation/misguidance on my part for clarity.

Thank you,