Slate vs. Metal Foundry

Use a mixture. Basically I use MF for everything besides kicks. I loved the MF kicks when I first got it but after a few weeks of tweaking mixes I noticed they had this horrible papery quality to them and lacked punch no matter how much processing was involved. I started blending them with other samples I had and that worked great, then I got the Slate pack and just stopped using the MF kicks all together.

Slate is also good for blending snares, but the only problem with Slate stuff is that it's already very heavily processed. It's not as raw as MF so you can't quite design as much of your own sound with it, which is why it's great for a blend, but not always great for complete replacement. It's too lazy! :lol:
I appreciate the input. The first mix does blend the snare (slate/MF) 70%-30% in the favor of slate. I think it's interesting that some people like the MF snare better. That was what was concerning me with that mix. Maybe it's just me!!
only listened to first clip so far

Which slate kick is that? sounds good

I think the toms sound kinda weak though

and snare is too dry. needs some verb or more room (I'd use verb)
Kick is a combination of Black and AC/DC.
I thought the toms sounded more natural than the slate toms. I can't get the slate toms to sound real. They always end up sounding like a drum machine.
I like the first one with the Slate replacement the most (TPID.mp3)
Yeah, Slate does some amazing things with drums.

I like the MF better. With the Slate its obvious vstidrums are used. Too processed. Oh and not to forget, a great track too!
Thanks Megin! I'm having a ton-o-fun putting this record together.

I think I'm leaning towards the hybrid. I thinks it balances the power of slate and detail of MF.

You guys think the mix is there in the hybrid? Can I put this track to bed or do you hear something amiss?

I really appreciate all your input.