Slaughter are almost VVI!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Yep.... Blas Elias seems to have left Slaughter, and guess who is drumming for them now on their current tour?? BOBBY ROCK!

That means Slaughter now has Mark Slaughter on vocals, Dana Strum on bass and Bobby Rock on drums... that's three quarters of Vinnie Vincent Invasion! It's just missing the main ingredient.. Vinnie!

I'd love to see Slaughter on this tour though! Probably the closest I'd get to seeing the Invasion! They're touring with Whitesnake too... those Americans get all the luck. Why don't we get tours like that :(
Yeah its too expensive for $42, I heard its getting a rerelease soon though so you should be able to get it for the price of a normal cd hopefully then, which is at least a little better.
I think the new remasters are out in Australia now. One of my friends just bought "All Systems Go" at JB for $23. Nobody has seen the debut around yet though... I still haven't seen either album on CD yet lol.
Me too. I only have them on vinyl and really need CD versions!!

(Pretty Boy Floyd! :rock: There's another album I've never seen on CD, or vinyl for that matter! It's been remastered now with bonus tracks and a new cover but I want the original with the cool cover!)
From Blabbermouth:


After rejecting Mark Slaughter's attempt for years to play together once again, Bobby Rock is curently drumming for SLAUGHTER as a "guest" during the Rock Never Stops Tour 2003. This comes as a particular treat for VINNIE VINCENT INVASION fans as it completes three-quarters of the original lineup during the "All Systems Go" tour, which consisted of Bobby Rock, Dana Strum, Mark Slaughter, and Vinnie Vincent (ex-KISS). Vincent is currently rumored to be putting together a new band to tour with in support of a new studio album, tentatively due out in late 2003/early 2004.

I really really hope this new album does come out in late 2003/early 2004, no more delays! Imagine if the tour came to Australia haha! Wishful thinking, but I think Vinnie would have to get a court order to keep me a certain number of kilometres away from him at all times! HAHA!

This is one "comeback" album that I'm 100% SURE will not disappoint AT ALL! I reckon it will definitely be at least as good as Guitars From Hell (if that ever gets a release!!!), and will shit on "All Systems Go"!
So do I :( I want ANY version of it on CD, of both. And I want Guitars From Hell!!!! And Euphoria. :(

And I wouldn't mind Speedball Jamm just for the collection but a 71 minute guitar solo is NOT something I'd pay $50 on the US ebay for. I would only buy it cheap.
Guitars From Hell was recorded in 90/91 but never released but there are versions going around of the songs. Dunno if they are demos or just unmixed/unmastered versions. The album was finished and ready to be released but those versions have never surfaced. From the demos I've heard, it sounds alot like the debut... with a few differences. The drumming is groovier, less of a straight up hard rock beat. The riffs have a slightly different feel, a bit more thrashy with lots of those moving power chords/palm muted strings type riffs and less chord based stuff. The production sounds to be a bit more raw and less "warm" too, in other words even more ear shattering than the debut, but perhaps a little bit TOO much. There is also no rhythm guitars under the solos, that's the main downpoint, sounds too empty. Overall though, the songs are AWESOME, the riffs are AWESOME, great feel, great sound... just KILLER over the top guitar metal! Oh and Robert Fleischman from the first VVI album is the vocalist :) Same type of vocals, lots of soaring high pitched ear piercing vocals. Lots of gang vocals on this album too.

Euphoria was a 4 track EP in 1996. The songs are off Guitars From Hell, except were totally re-recorded in 1995 for this EP, and the production is terrible. Sounds really unproduced, it's the most ear shatteringly hard to listen to CD I've ever heard. A black metal album is easier listening than this! A bit of reverb would have been nice, so would turning the guitars down just a tad and maybe having at least a BIT of warmth in the tone. Ok so the production sucks, but the songs are KILLERS! :) Like on Guitars From Hell though, there is no rhythm guitar under the solos, and the lead sound is really weak unlike the debut, so the energy seems to stop and the song goes empty in the solos which is a problem. This material though does not sound like something released in 1996, sounds like something released in 1986! (Except much heavier). It's soooo over the top! You already know with titles like "Full Shredd" and "Wild Child" you won't be in for a mellowed down grungier version of hard rock like most hair bands did at that time!

Around 1996 he also had material written for a 4th album called "Guitarmageddon" but nobody knows much about it. The only thing that's surfaced is a few song titles... "Brainsaw" and "Cock Teaser" are the only 2 I remember haha! I have no idea if demos were even recorded for it but I know the album never went into production.

Hopefully soon he'll finally get Guitars From Hell released (he plans to soon though! and it almost did a couple of years ago) and hopefully he'll record Guitarmageddon! I can't wait to hear what the new album will be like!