Slayer Cartoon


New Metal Member
Oct 17, 2010
Howdy Metalheads

I just finished a cartoon based on the Slayer classic "Criminally Insane" that came out pretty damn awesome. I'm currently on the "internet metal forums tour of 2010" sharing this thing with anyone who has a liking of heavy music.

I created it just for the hell of it. Had the idea in my head for a few years, and I finally just sat down and hammered it out. Hopefully this cracks a few people up, and possibly gets a few more people into the "Awesome-ness" that is Slayer.

Turn up the volume and enjoy... fun for the whole family :)

By the way, Andy Sneap rules it...

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Good lord dude, I want you to know that not only was the Slayer video awesome but I'm currently wiping tears from my eyes from laughter due to the Orky the Porky Orca video. Bravo...bravo.