Because their lyrical theme is a "act". It's no different then let's say a jewish (Roman Polanski) director making Satanic Horror movies (Rosemary's Baby, The Ninth Gate etc.) and going home to his jewish or christian wife and kids. They leave work at work and home is for home life.
Nice observation but a little different considering a movie is only a short chapter of ones life.
poundingmetal74 said:
I'm a "Catholic", although I don't practice or necessarily susbcribe to much
of anything it says, so your number is a lot further from zero than you'd
No, I doubt that any "practicing"


catholics would be involved in delivering such messgaes over such a protracted period of their life.
poundingmetal74 said:
Dave Mustaine is a born again, but it certainly hasn't impacted his music in
the least. If it keeps the band in the right direction, and they continue to
write good music, then why be bothered about it?
Ok guys, techincally my original post was flawed. Of course one can “technically” be a catholic and be in a band like Slayer. I am “technically” a catholic and Im the singer for a band called Jesus Anal Penetration. Am I a practising catholic or not? I have a strong dislike towards religion of anykind in my heart and in my mind. I also familiar with Araya's views, Ive read countless interviews since the 1980's and
that's why I spend time here because I'm oldschool in stature and taste.
I don't expect Slayer (or wish them) to sacrfice people on stage or even practice dark arts. I know money is what everyone needs and that's obviously what they're after as they get older or they have, as I said earlier, lost their marbles and look to make themselves feel better for all the bad things they've said.
Surely you cant deny that he makes a terrible catholic by being involved in that band. I make a terrible catholic singing the lyrics in my band too but I do not believe you can honestly be a catholic in heart or mind and sing words of that nature.
So I could always say, "gee god, I didn't mean all those things I said about you or killing your priests. It was just a song and I was hoping to make some money, please forgive me so I can join you in heaven" Yeah I don't think so buddy... You can say “hey its just a day job” but they're the words coming out of your mouth and IF I could be bothered, Im sure it wouldn't be too hard to find something (manythings infact) in the bible about honouring your god with your words etc. Maybe Araya should start praying the day of rapture doesn't hit until they release their next record!
IMO Slayer are not writing anything worthy anymore and likely never will but Megadeth are; so please spare me those comparisons because Megadeth havent based their entire career on satan, hell and sacrfice. A slight difference there, I believe…
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