True Fan
Yes it does suck in a lot of ways. In Detroit they have been doing this concert at Pine Knob on the Hill. There is no pit area or general admission standing area. It is all seats or like you said way back on the hill on the lawn. I seen Metallica on the lawn once and I disliked the whole concert to the point that I didn't see another show at Pine Knob for 10 years.
I did finally go back to Pine Knob to see Slayer with pavilion seat tickets and it was far superior to standing or sitting on the fucking lawn. I prefer indoor venues over this lawn bullshit. But for an all-day show outside in the sun in July heat having covered pavilion seating has its advantages. They rip you off for those seats here. In Detroit for "level 2 pavilion seats" which are pretty good but not the best I had to pay Ticketmaster $170 for 2 seats. Fucking bullshit. Beers will probably be $7 a piece too.
$11-13 bux a piece at my place, fuckin bullshit and the seats suck too Im just glad the venue theyve had this at every year in my area doesnt have the covered seating, i imagine lawn view for somethis like this would be complete shit: