Slayer last night


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005
For those who went to the Unholy Alliance show in the ATL last night, what did you think?? My only real disappointment was Slayer barely played for over an hour and they did ZERO encores! WTF???
My wife and I went to the Unholy Alliance in the ATL last night and here are my thoughts (like anyone truly cares, ):

Thine Eyes Bleed-I knew nothing of this band except TOm Araya's brother was in it. I had read somewhere that this band was melodic death??!?! There was nothing melodic about this band at all. They were much better than I imagined an opening band to be. I hope this Canadian band gets bigger. They played for 30 minutes.

Children of Bodom-They were much better live than I had heard people say in the past. I much enjoyed their 30 minute set. They were my wife's favorite band of the night.

Mastodon-the local ATL boys. One of the guys had his mom and grandmother there for the show. The mom threw the horns a couple of times and was doing some headbanging during the show. Grandmom went out there before they band hit the stage to take some pictures and stood off stage during the set and seemed to enjoy herself. I love Mastodon on record, but for some reason they just have not done much for me live both times I have seen them on Slayer tours. They played for about 35-40 minutes.

Lamb of God-Total mayhem broke out with the 5,000 in attendance when LOG hit the stage. They were loud, fast and kicked some serious ass. I was very impressed with the band. They really whipped the crowd into a frenzy during their set warming the crowd up for Slayer. Probably my 2nd favorite band of the night. They played slightly under an hour, probably like 50 minutes.

SLAYER-Slayer ripped into the crowd opening with South of Heaven. Mosh you would have loved seeing Lombardo's drum kit and the fact it was raised above the band so you could see him playing better. The played most of their Big songs. Their sound was MUCH better than the last time when they toured when it took 5 songs to get the mix correct and the right sound levels. I was most impressed with the fact TOm actually SANG last night instead of screaming every song like he did the last time and does on the last few records. My only disappointments was the band only played for barely over an hour and ZERO encores. WTF!! The show was over right before 11pm.
I saw this tour last week in Chicago.
I missed Thine Eyes Bleed. COB were COB. If you have seen them before, you knew what to expect. They don't seem to change their setlist up to much, but still play well live. I haven't seen them headline yet though.
Mastodon seem like a band that would be good on disc (only seen them live). The 2 times I have seen them though they seemed very dull (Which is what has prevented me from picking up their stuff).

Lamb of God straight up suck. Don't know what other way to put it. Yes, it is true that I extremely dislike metal-core (or whatever the proper term for this stuff is these days). Though you compare this band to a band like Shadows Fall who actually incorporate some melody and technicality, and it falls flat. Maybe on disc I would think differently.

Finally Slayer. I personally thought they were amazing. One of the best slayer shows I have ever seen (Even better then when they did RIB in its entirety). Great set list, and killer stage show (video screens with different clips for each song). I agree it was a bit short and no encores. Sometimes though, this is better than a set that seems drawn out just for the sake of making it longer.
I saw Lamb of God open for someone some years ago and I thought they were totally horrible. About a year ago I'm hearing everyone talk about Lamb of God and I'm thinking "is this the same band that was so fucking awful when I saw them?". Don't get it at all with LoG.
I went last night as well. Was actually the 2nd time I saw the tour. Saw Slayer and Lamb of God in Jersey at the Meadowlands. At the Meadowlands Hell Awaits was done as an encore but last night they seemed to go right into it and I thought the sound sucked especially towards the end of Slayers set. Jeff lost his sound during Hell Awaits and I dont think Tom sang the end of the song. I thought they were really good though, better then Jersey since that was the 2nd show on the tour and I thought Lamb of God really kicked ass, they play with a lot of energy. I am sure when Slayer tours on their own for the new album they will play more then 14 songs and hopefully play a club tour instead of outdoor and arena shows. And their video that they were showing during the show was pretty insane.
I was there as well, and I agree with the sentiments everyone else has posted. I heard a bunch of people going "WTF is that it?" when the house lights came up. I looked at my watch and they came on at 9:30 and were off the stage by 10:45. The only other headlining band i've seen play such a short set was Manowar at the Masquerade.
lignicolos said:
I was there as well, and I agree with the sentiments everyone else has posted. I heard a bunch of people going "WTF is that it?" when the house lights came up. I looked at my watch and they came on at 9:30 and were off the stage by 10:45. The only other headlining band i've seen play such a short set was Manowar at the Masquerade.

I didn;t even think it was that long!! :lol: Oh well at least they played 14 songs and 12 of them being great songs:notworthy
Yep, Slayer were always scheduled to be out and off at 10:50. I was thinking that might have been due to a long drive the following day, or the fact that the Warped tour was coming in later that night, but I guess it's just a shorter headlining set due to the 'festival' nature of the show.

I was there, hanging around by the gate.....but since security wouldn't let my friend Ripper in, we cut our losses ($10 to park? Hrm.....) and left toward the end of CoB's set. Besides, our tickets pretty much sucked; Row SS, Section 206.
I don;t care if there is another festival the next day at the venue...I am not paying for that. LOL I do know the band had a day off on Wednesday for the long travel.