Slayer`s "Christs Illusion" leaked.............

ThraxDude said:
I saw Slayer last night. I LOVE Slayer! Fucking awesome. :kickass: I'm gonna buy Christ Illusion on my birthday (Aug. 8- day of release).
I'm not gonna listen to the album before it's released, that'll ruin the surprise. It'd be like secretly unwrapping Xmas gifts the day before you're supposed to open them.
No matter what any naysayers say, I'll buy Slayer. Slayer and Anthrax have never let me down, and they never will.
Tad, you got out to a show :rock:
spacebeer said:
I have to revise my opinion, I bought it yesterday and while it's not classic it's definately the best since "seasons"!

Turning this into a reunion thread, I wonder about things like this.

Is seasons really a great record? Is music just not as good as it once was, or are we all getting older and less receptive? Maybe you just hear Seasons and it sort of takes you back to a point in your life where getting a blow job behind the dumpster at Arby's wasn't hard to talk someone into.

I'm willing to bet that we're all just getting older. The number of bands dwindles down and while you like the new disk, it's not as good as the older stuff. Which brings me back full circle to the reunion and why I think this next record will be such a challenge. Can Anthrax make a CD that compares to POT or ATL with the older crowd and still builds a younger audience? It wuld be a hard move to make when you think about it.
whitey131 said:
Turning this into a reunion thread, I wonder about things like this.

Is seasons really a great record? Is music just not as good as it once was, or are we all getting older and less receptive? Maybe you just hear Seasons and it sort of takes you back to a point in your life where getting a blow job behind the dumpster at Arby's wasn't hard to talk someone into.

I'm willing to bet that we're all just getting older. The number of bands dwindles down and while you like the new disk, it's not as good as the older stuff. Which brings me back full circle to the reunion and why I think this next record will be such a challenge. Can Anthrax make a CD that compares to POT or ATL with the older crowd and still builds a younger audience? It wuld be a hard move to make when you think about it.

No, Seasons IS great.
Cool. I'm officially stoked to hear Christs Illusion now. Cult is an okay song. But I guess the rest of the album is better?
ThraxDude said:
Cool. I'm officially stoked to hear Christs Illusion now. Cult is an okay song. But I guess the rest of the album is better?

Yeah wait till you hear "Flesh Storm" or "Consfearacy". They are so much better than Cult. Eyes Of The Insane is worst song on that record.
whitey131 said:
I disagree. I find myself less recptive to newer bands and buying stuff from the same few bands.

I'm lost.
I was saying, Seasons is miles better in comparison to any Slayer album released since. So, what "newer" bands has to do with my post I dont know.
best stuff since Seasons for sure ... some great memorable tracks and some that already grew on me ...

CATATONIC :kickass:
whitey131 said:
OK but has everything from seasons on sucked?
Nowadays, compared to what I've heard on Christ Illusion and especially God Hates Us All, I quite like Divine Intervention. The mix isn't the best, but the material still rocks hard (although with some clunkers), and the mastering doesn't have the smashed to hell, ultra-maximised sound that God and inevitably Christ Illusion do.

South of Heaven is their best.
Good for you CesspoolOfSkulls. There are a lot of so called fans who don't buy a group's new album, they'll download it instead. I'll be buying it on the release date also, even though it wasn't 6/6/06.

I rank it with God Hates Us All, not their best but still very good (way better than Diabolus in Musica).
