Slayer ::War at the warfield::

In what capacity? I didn't find the quality of that DVD that great sound wise.
Great DVD .. i love it....I saw them at the Same place the Warfield on the Reign in Blood tour last year....
I loved that DVD, I thought the sound was pretty good (the documentry is hillarious). The real dissapointment was the Box Set they brought out "Soundtrack to the Apocalpse" That was the biggest waste of money ever. The quality in there is absolutely bollocks.
I actually thought that "War At The Warfield" was a little better than "Still Reigning" (though I like that one as well - missed seeing the blood actually start raining). Sure, Araya's voice sounds a bit rough - but after 20 years of screaming your guts out, it's almost a miracle that the guy can still talk.

Anyone else notice that Paul Bostaph's t-shirt was blurred out? What was up with that?!? Especially since he wears the same t-shirt in the "Bloodline" video, so you know what it is.
Tom's never really been able to pull off the screams in stuff like Angel of Death and Postmortem live. I had this video bootleg from 1986 (when he still played bass with his fingers) and he didn't hit the screams on that.

I think he kind of changed his voice for South of Heaven and never went back to barking... which is a shame.

Cool guy though.
yeah he's hoarse on this dvd but his vocal on still reigning is much for hungry and youthful which is why i find it a better dvd
I dunno.

All the Slayer live cds/dvds dont do the band or Tom justice.

I have seen Slayer a few times and each time they have sounded fucking amazing.
I love that DVD..I think they sound great too. I have seen a few shows at the Warfield when I was living out there in the 90's so that's pretty cool to see too. That was actually the last place that I saw Anthrax, back on the SOWN tour... Probably the iggest pit I ever saw. Everyone in the pit all fell over at once like dominoes, probably like 65 people or so. There was even a guy with one leg in there hahaha... Awesome time.
Yeah, Tom's been losing it a bit in recent years, poor guy. I don't hold it against him; he's been yelling for how many fucking years? Plus to do God Hates Us All at his age? He screamed more on that record than ever before. You all probably know that he's been losing his voice and he's been ordered to not sing 2 nights in a row, or face vocal damage. I saw Slayer with Bostaph in 98 and 01; Tom sang the GHUA stuff an octave down but still managed the upper yell in New Faith. Hell, I can't believe he could do the Angel of Death scream even in the studio. A cool guy, definitely.
I seen Slayer a bunch of times (since 85) the dvd's don't do them justice. I like them better in clubs then on big stages (EX. Ozzfest) Tom can scream,yell,sing whatever it's still SLAYER!!! :headbang:
I don't know what your talking about. I just got Still Reigning and that DVD tore my head right off. As a man gets older his voice deepens, which makes it tough to sing the really high pitched shit of your youth. However, the lower registers add a new take on some kick ass songs and make them sound more evil than ever. Heck if you ask me Bush's voice sounds a lot different on WCFYA then it did on the Armored Saint music or even White Nose.

Personally I think the fact that all of these bands can still perform at the level they do at 40+ years old is a feat in itself. I say: Well done!