
Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
I played Slayer Raining Blood for over an hour at an almost all ghetto gangsta bowling alley saturday night on their jukebox, and made everyone leave. They had a jukebox that downloaded songs for a price and played them, really loud too. I was asked to leave after I spent $20 more dollars on 10 selections of Cannibal Corpse's Hammer Smashed Face. It was the hardest night the sport of bowling has witnessed.

But joking aside, being in a bowling alley, with Raining Blood cranking LOUD, and watching people try and bowl, was so funny. My date got pissed though :) She was happy with the Outkast that played all ...fucking..night.

She told me I committed a hate crime :Spin:
The place I go plays nothing but top 40 Beyonce shite or whatever the fuck. I think if I heard Slayer I'd roll a 300 then kill and bar-b-que all the wigga's that hang there. Wigga the other other other white meat.
bobo'c said:
The place I go plays nothing but top 40 Beyonce shite or whatever the fuck. I think if I heard Slayer I'd roll a 300 then kill and bar-b-que all the wigga's that hang there. Wigga the other other other white meat.

That was what this place was, lots of wiggas and brothas throughout. Slayer helped me win my 2nd set. First time bowling, so I was impressed. But then I drank a few more pitchers of beer which totally screwed me. That along with headbanging while running up the lane with the ball to Hammer Smashed Face. And after being thrown out, and making an ass out of myself, and having hateful jive ebonics spewed at me, I still didnt scare off the hot blonde girl with fake titties who was with us, score me.

Unfortunetly I cannot get back with this girl cuz Im going to Iraq in less than a week, but she promised to stay single, and bowl to Slayer with me again. Booyah.:headbang:
I just started to bowl about a month ago. What a stoner game man. I just try to desimate pins. Sorry to hear your going over to Jawaland. Be careful brother. My good buddy and show going broe is going over there soon. Be safe and kill lots of bugeaters for us bro.
Thanks! wont be the first time over, but will be the last finally. One of my friends got killed over there at the end of May which sucks, but it was an airplane crash, no hostile fire. I am damn sure I wont be up in any planes this time.

I just hope I get a chance to trick some of the locals into eating pork again, damn that is funny.
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
Ah, So This is actualy True Then eh!? You guys are so great!

No, it did say "welcome marines." I can promise you that what that sign says now, was a joke by one of hs mates there.
Pretty funny though.