
karrokid said:
didn't they break up like 2 years ago ? you guys will argue about anything :lol:
is comeback kid punk ? i'm going to see them on the 30th.

No Doubt are still together. They're recording a new album.
Comeback Kid is hardcore, which came from punk.
Jockthrax said:
Agreed i just recently got into SOIA and im feeling big love for them at the minute:rock:

keep going mate..... absolutely love that band, live, they totally kill, i cant wait to see them tour with this album, its been their best for a while ( imo since the incredible to arms).... i have seen soia more than any other of my fave bands and they are just always 100%.....lou koller is a suuuuuuperb frontman, funny dude too, and pete koller gives scott a proper run for his money in the mental/jumping stakes....only saw them few months ago ( just before death to tyrants cme out) but hope they are back soon, think they are playing reading so hopefully some extra shows around those dudes work hard

cant think of a better album than death to tyrants so far this year tho, oh wait i do love jaggernaut.......
Indeed the new SOIA disk was one of the greatest hardcore albums to come out this year or even century. I am still trying to muster up the courage to get a Alley way dragon tat on my body some where. I was a party and a guy had it on his side. I just don't know where to get it I am thinking on my calf
add_em said:
I am still trying to muster up the courage to get a Alley way dragon tat on my body some where. I was a party and a guy had it on his side. I just don't know where to get it I am thinking on my calf

I have mine on my arm and my buddy has his on his neck. I wouldn't recommend getting it on the neck though. Kinda limits your job searches. My buddy works in a shop so they don't care how many tatts he has.
MyHatred said:
Dude, that album rules so hard:rock: They are definitely up there with my faves also. Ironlung is the shit! I just hope they tour a little more than short stint they did in the spring.

yeah man! ironlung kicks so much ass, esp in the beard department... top marks :) ...i just love the riffs on these guys, so fucking fat n chunky, ironlungs lyrics crack me up too :) backwoods mother-fuckery indeed

i caught em live a few months back, just as jaggernaut came out, played in one my fave little dingy clubs ( the underworld), awesome place to see em, its tichy. of course, they tore the hell out of the place, but i'm totally with you, havent seen these guys enough by a long shot..... i hope they go on a big tour again ( and make it back to the uk ;)

i'd love an alleyway dragon, sick design ('cuse the pun ; )., but moneys a bitch and theres other work i'd rather get done first i guess, time to count my pennies again.....bah
lokey said:
yeah man! ironlung kicks so much ass, esp in the beard department... top marks :) ...i just love the riffs on these guys, so fucking fat n chunky, ironlungs lyrics crack me up too :) backwoods mother-fuckery indeed

i caught em live a few months back, just as jaggernaut came out, played in one my fave little dingy clubs ( the underworld), awesome place to see em, its tichy. of course, they tore the hell out of the place, but i'm totally with you, havent seen these guys enough by a long shot..... i hope they go on a big tour again ( and make it back to the uk ;)

i'd love an alleyway dragon, sick design ('cuse the pun ; )., but moneys a bitch and theres other work i'd rather get done first i guess, time to count my pennies again.....bah

Your lucky, lokey:p I haven't seen them once. And yes, Ironlung just needs to list his beard as an instrument. I only could wish that I grow a beard like his:lol: Not sure if you caught my thread in the Milano forum that I posted where I scanned some Scissorfight articles but in case ya didn't, here ya go. Oh, and am I the only one who thinks there official site blows. It never gets updated with anything.
back to the topic of Slayer

they scare me......

hey kids check out the scarey new sounds on slayer's christ illusion, soooo scarey ooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MyHatred said:
Your lucky, lokey:p I haven't seen them once. And yes, Ironlung just needs to list his beard as an instrument. I only could wish that I grow a beard like his:lol: Not sure if you caught my thread in the Milano forum that I posted where I scanned some Scissorfight articles but in case ya didn't, here ya go. Oh, and am I the only one who thinks there official site blows. It never gets updated with anything.

hey thanks a stack for that !! i didnt see the post first time round no......really good read tho, man i love that band, great attitude, they just so classy......fave quote by far ...."people huh? i just stay away from 'em. they've always been assholes, so i just choose to interact and socialise with the ones that i choose to. that and play my guitar"

yeah man i'd love a full on rock beard, but only a proper beefy one, ironlung and neil fallon kinda stlye , and that takes too much patience.....tho fallon seems to be able to grow a monster in weeks.... he's constantly shaving it off,..... and then its back !

and i agree their website stinks, theres nothing on it, not even titbits of news, it looks terrible and they never update it, well not since like march or summink......but those interviews show how much they give a crap about that sort of stuff, so its no wonder they dont bother with it....all very scissorfight really. those guys rule......