Sleepytime Gorilla Museum is nuts.

Trylakos said:

This sounds like someone bouncing quarters off of a pinball machine. Seriously, wtf?!?!? To these ears, this is emotionless drivel with what sounds to be a Johnathon Davis' doppleganger at the helm. I don't mean to talk shit, I'll check them out further if need be. But this track has literally pissed me off in it's "oh so pink, demasculinating, libido crushing, poke-a-dotted gayocity!!! :mad:
I find them annoying, but I base my opinion on only a few tracks. I'm also predicting their albums would have almost zero replay value, in my case anyway.
Demonspell said:
Just about any of the tracks linked here would put your average indie geek into cardiac arrest...


Pitchfork and its clones would go gaga over it, but it's like Asians going gaga over western religions. They see it as some hip dressing without any deeper meaning.

Of course, they were right about monotheistic religions
So yeah, I stumbled upon one of these in used CD form up in Davis the other day, snagged it post haste.

This. Shit. Is. AMAZING. I haven't even made it but halfway through the album and I am completely hooked.
I've seen them live about 3 times this year, and they never fail to impress me live. so freaking amazing.

I saw them last month, and it was pure insanity from start (a psuedo-medieval fanfare perfomed within the audience) to finish (a drastically rearranged and extended Sleep Is Wrong), their albums are downright timid in comparison to their live show.
NAD: Which album converted you? Right now the latest is my favorite of the three, especially after said show...Angle of Repose and Salt Crown back to back was fucking epic.
yep they were pretty crazy. we didn't get to *see* most of their set though, as the club had no a/c and the pit was far too overwhelming with steaming sweatbutts. but here's a very crappy video taken from very far back with the camera held very high above my head :p

awesome energy in their performance, i don't see how they stood it that night.

jump da fuck up
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