Slice The Cake - Cleansed EP is out NOW!

im seriously just shitting all over the floor from laughter on that bonus track lololol

Mix is top notch, vocals are top notch (they remind me of JFAC on Genesis) and riffs are top notch. I wanna buy this
Intercoursing epic my little babies <3
The bonus track was the ICING ON THE CAKE.

The lack of dynamics on the drums is a bit distracting tho : ( Every fill is like 2000 velocity.
The style is not even close to something I would enjoy listening to, but I'll admit that the production and the performances are great. Good job.

but fuck you Gareth for having such a great voice :lol:
The auto-tuned part made me spill my goddamn drink :blush:

I love you
Need details on ALL the drums, jesus christ. SOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG. Gareth said MF/Slate.. kick and snare sound like mostly Slate, were the toms MF?

Everything is massive. If I had to point out anything, I would've liked a bit of a high shelf boost on the vocals at around 7khz, they sound the tiniest bit muffled. But a 57 is just awful for vocals, so you did a good job :/
This is really awesome. Listened through all the tracks, loved that hidden track too btw. It is seriously some of the best stuff I've heard in a while, and it's from a sneapster! Even Better! Nice Job Gareth
Awesome stuff :D I had to wipe a virus of my computer before I could listen , but now I've heard most of it, its fucking killed me haha

I liked Race Of Roses the best out of the songs, Gareths vocals were sick, and the guitar playing is just so tight and heavy :D Once its out, I might just have to buy this :D
I have never listened to this kind of music and it isn't really my cup of tea but I must say that the production and mix is really good! And I actually enjoyed some bits of the songs.
And once again, awsome mix!
Thanks for sharing!
This some sick shit dudes! Excellent job. Great songwriting and Gareth has one of the most wicked growls i've heard in a while.

Only minor complaint i have is that the low-end from the kick is a little too much in my ears, especially during fast kick parts it sounds really fatigueing (listening to headphones) and it sounds a little muffled, but that probably would be the MySpace compression. Furthermore everything sounds great!

Edit : Reading the lyrics after i made my post, but i've gotta give Gareth even more respect to his lyrrical work. Very very good stuff, i think it's a great combination between in your face lyrics melted with some poetry.