Slight differences in double track volume?


New Metal Member
Aug 9, 2011
Today, I was mixing one of my band's songs, and I realized that one guitar performance had a tad more volume than the other, perhaps one db's worth. I messed with the faders, and I believe I got their levels sorted out, but in the event that there is some ever-so-slight partiality toward one side, will that be horribly damaging, or can it be overlooked?
Did you mix one louder or did you leave the faders the same and one track was just louder? If you switched guitar players/ amps/ guitars or anything like that, it can create a volume difference from side to side.

In the end, you should always just use your ears and watch the meters to get a good balance of left to right volume.
Pan your tracks 100% left and 100% right. Use headphones and try changing left to right and viceversa. If the difference of volume changes depending on the side you put on your headphones, try to fix the levels in the DAW. If the the difference in volume stays in the same ear even when changing sides of the headphone, go to the doctor. You may have a damaged ear.
Sometimes it's a psychological thing to have the faders panned hard left and right at equal volume so I just insert a trim plugin to bring them back to level then match the faders. Samething for overheads if they're leaning.