Slight problem (and a presentation)


Right Fist of Lucifer
Jun 20, 2002
Borås, Sweden
I am totally new to this board but I hang out several other FORUMs on a regular basis and I thought I should introduce myself (I don't know if it's considered good custom to do so on this FORUM, but it is on many others)...

20 year old unemployed male from Borås, Sweden who sits around all days listening to music (mainly blackmetal, gothrock etc)...
Not to spam the board with a HUGE pic, you can simply click HERE to see my picture if such a thing amuses you... :D

--- Now onto the problem (this might seem a bit... un-serious, but I am dead serious on this one):

When I listen to Vintersorg my brother, girlfriend and whoever familymember that might be in the room starts complaining really much about Vintersorg sounding like Mr Bean (the english humorous tv-character) when he sings...
I don't think this opinions is accurate at all, but wonders if anyone have had problems like this? It's not that I will stop listening to you music Mr V it's just that it annoys me to get harassed all the time when I try to enjoy good music...

Now I've done two things on the board in one post... Effective bugger, ain't I? :lol:

Take care all, and have patience with me while I fall into the pace of the board. I might seem a bit slow in the beginning, but that is just because I often forget to use the search function to see if anything like this previously has been posted before I post. I try to get better on that...:cry:
That's the most idiotic thing I've heard in a long time....
Vintersorg has a wondelfull voice and it doesn't sound like Mr.Bean when he sings English lyrics.

Stupid friends... hehe

Btw, have they ever heard Mr.Bean sing?
He's totally wrong, Vintersorg doesn't sound anything like Mr. Bean, Vintersorg actually sounds like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. Anyone who claims that Vintersorg sounds like anything else should get their facts straight!
Originally posted by Luguber
He's totally wrong, Vintersorg doesn't sound anything like Mr. Bean, Vintersorg actually sounds like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets.

I'll disagree on the Mr. Bean thing as well, but Muppets? I'll have
to go watch the show again. ;)
*Goes to watch Muppet Show*
welcome here Shadowcrow :) It'll be lovely to have you here :)

I think that your brother, girlfriend and family must be having you on about that Mr. Bean thing because there's not even a remote resemblance between the two.
Mr. Bean :lol: :lol: That was a good one :lol: ;)
Well, anyway, if you wanna learn more about other forumers from this board, there's a thread to write about you and learn about other... *goes digging*
Anyway, since Gaunerin and Morgana keep the temperatures high here anyway.... HELLCOME!
Welcome! *hands over a beer*
At least 1 person in you family got some got taste in music.
That Mr. Bean issue - they're just saying that to annoy u, I'm sure.
They are talking about the other band that sucks, Beantersorg ;)
The only thing I've heard is that he sings like the singer from The Crash Test Dummies (or smth along those lines). Hehe.

Welcome! You'll enjoy being here (so much you won't want to leave... ever) :p
Originally posted by astarte
The only thing I've heard is that he sings like the singer from The Crash Test Dummies (or smth along those lines). Hehe.

Welcome! You'll enjoy being here (so much you won't want to leave... ever) :p

Reason: Nekronun here will shoot you in the nuts if u try to leave!
*Laugh* :lol:

Nope, I can't understand how they can draw paralells between Mr. Bean and Vintersorg ...
Yet, if you listen to Norrskensdrömmar or Fångad Utav Nordens Själ he has a very deep voice that seems to come from the back of his neck with his tounghe far down his throat (I am not saying it's bad, I love it, but I think it sounds that way), and it must be from this that they have come to the conclusion that Vintersorg = Mr Bean...

You get to hear Mr Bean sing in the cristmas episode and some other episode to if I am not totally out sailing on this one... :D

Anyhow. Thanks all of you for the warm welcome! It was well more than I expected (or deserved)... It will be nice to hang around...
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Anyway, since Gaunerin and Morgana keep the temperatures high here anyway.... HELLCOME!

:lol: That's right!
HELLcome ShadowCrow! And of course I never thought of Mr Bean while listening to mr V either. (are you really serious about this?)
I mean, it's completely absurd! *shakes head* I wonder what mr V thinks about this comparison.. :D