Slipknot and French Festivals..


Feb 19, 2003
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Well, i'm french and i just read something in one of our metal mags, about slipknot..they played a couple of weeks ago as the headliner of a famous french summer festival ( Fury Fest which was more hard-core the last few years..)...
But they only have played for 48 min. instead of 1h30 coz they have been insulted ( 3000 people screaming "Slipknot , Fuckers" ) , a big part of the crowd threw objects on them ( plastic bins , boottles , fruits and other vegetables ) etc even seems that some of the members have received stuff on them/their instruments , obliging them to stop the track they were playing...
So , what do you think about that..
I think it's just stupid....think about the people who paid to see this band , think about the band members do you want us to be considered seriously if we even can't respect the bands from our scene or if at least we can't show tolerance about them..
I think it's childish, and just gives metalheads another bad name to the public and so on.

I'm sure none of you would like it if a band you like got boo'ed off stage and cut thier set in half.

No band deserves that shit.
I find it hilarious that TOUGH GUY PEOPLE=SHIT FUCK OFF band Slipknot would cut their set short because people kept throwing shit at them. Fucking sissies and posers, they are.

I read an interview with Impaled Nazarene, who during one concert in Portugal got shit thrown at them, like broken beer bottles and stuff, the audience apparently totally hated them, so after a while one member who happened to know portuguese started insulting the audience in their native language which just riled them up even more, but IN made damn sure to finish their set, then bloody and bruised all over their body they even came back for encores, naked, then started chasing around members of the audience with broken beer bottles and asking them if they wanted to die.

After the set their tour bus was chased by members of the Hell's Angels who apparently had something to do with the gig and were now set to kill IN for what they did. Somehow, they got out of that whole deal alive. Anyhoo, I have much more respect for a band doing that than someone wimping out like Slipknot. Of course it's clear to anyone with half a brain that their tough guy image is simply just that, an image.
I totally agree with you Stand-Ablaze...slipknot was once again just an would you react if your favorite band cancelled the show they were playing just coz of some intolerant persons ?
if you don't like, then just ignore them or tolerate them...
finally, who are you to think that Slipknot is a shitty band ? Lots of members from bands you surely like (Immortal or Slayer) reckoned they were good musicians , good songwritters...
Disturbed4ntics said:
I read about this quite a bit ago, and Slipknot should not have even been playing at that show. Did you even bother checking out the lineup ( > "LINE UP")?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Now shut up.

Wow, very nice lineup but between Morbid Angel's, Deicide's and Agnostic Front's fans to name a few I'm not surprised why Slipknot was attacked lol They should of been in a totally different lineup with fans more in tune with their music. :yuk:
What a bunch of idiots you are.... I don't like Slipknot but it's no reason to throw them objects on the stage.
Erik said:
I find it hilarious that TOUGH GUY PEOPLE=SHIT FUCK OFF band Slipknot would cut their set short because people kept throwing shit at them. Fucking sissies and posers, they are.

I read an interview with Impaled Nazarene, who during one concert in Portugal got shit thrown at them, like broken beer bottles and stuff, the audience apparently totally hated them, so after a while one member who happened to know portuguese started insulting the audience in their native language which just riled them up even more, but IN made damn sure to finish their set, then bloody and bruised all over their body they even came back for encores, naked, then started chasing around members of the audience with broken beer bottles and asking them if they wanted to die.

After the set their tour bus was chased by members of the Hell's Angels who apparently had something to do with the gig and were now set to kill IN for what they did. Somehow, they got out of that whole deal alive. Anyhoo, I have much more respect for a band doing that than someone wimping out like Slipknot. Of course it's clear to anyone with half a brain that their tough guy image is simply just that, an image.

Hahaha that is the best concert story..ever.

Stop making slipknot threads. It's such shit. C'est merde.
Erik said:
I read an interview with Impaled Nazarene, who during one concert in Portugal got shit thrown at them, like broken beer bottles and stuff, the audience apparently totally hated them, so after a while one member who happened to know portuguese started insulting the audience in their native language which just riled them up even more, but IN made damn sure to finish their set, then bloody and bruised all over their body they even came back for encores, naked, then started chasing around members of the audience with broken beer bottles and asking them if they wanted to die.

That's pure comedy gold :lol: