Slipknot Bassist Found Dead!

Sad, isn't it? How all the good musicians die?
Paul Gray and their drummer are the only cool people in Slipknot, sure their music sucks bawlz and they are the biggest douchebags on the planet, but Paul Gray and Joey were the only good thing about that sonic disaster.

I disagree...I fucking hate almost anything Slipknot but Vol. 3 Was a really interesting album.
I don't really like Slipknot either, I'm not a fan by any means but I respect them for managing to survive beyond the nu-metal craze and take things their own way a bit more recently. I think it's sad that Paul has died so early and that his wife is pregnant and has to go through this.

Everyone who's been saying they don't care because Slipknot are shit and they're glad Paul died is being a massive fag. Seriously? You're glad that someone has died who never did you any harm? You're glad that his pregnant wife and unborn kid now have to go through life without a father or husband? Nice work, faggots.

Fucking disgusting. :mad: