Here's my version. I've actually never mixed vocals before :erk:

Anyway, guitars are TSE X50 with power amp turned off and mickrich's new edge IR. Drums are SD2 with the Metal! EZX. Bass is the Ignite Amps SHB-1 on a low-end and clank track. Really fun mix, thanks for the stems!

Wow. Love your mix.
Nice and heavy.
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a quick mix by my definition is as much as you're willing to do on it when its unpaid.

I tried to make it as aggressive and how I interpret slipknot to sound. used metal foundry and no other samples on drums as I never use that pack. guitars are just X50. very little reverb on this, just lots of distortion really.....

needed to tighten a few guitar bits up, some of the vocal parts are a little sloppy too. personally I think multi tracks should have the drum and guitar tones already decided and committed but of course thats each to their own. anyway, thanks for sharing the tracks, very cool of you to do it! Mix 1.m4a

any feedback would be awesome!