Slipknot's Unreleased Debut

Well of the snippets of Slipknot that I've heard, I can some them up in one word: MEDIOCRE. I would hasten to add that I can't actually SPELL that word (I think I spelt it wrong, no?), but never mind.

It's all fair enough, but the guitar riffs are fucking boring, the singer is annoying, and the general sound gets slightly tiresome. On the whole though, it's a pretty average, mildly entertaining collection of noise that doesn't really do much for me.
Don't worry High on Maiden, you speeled the word dead on, and you're right. Slipknot had the chance to be ultra-unique, and blew it by playing mediocre music. But they kick the living shit out of Korn.

Corey Taylor has proven that he can rap rather well, and also rap in a death metal growl of sorts. He should've developed that instead of the wanna-be death of Iowa. It's like the band forgot they had two DJ's and extra drummers.

I think they should have followed Mushroomhead's sound and aesthetic, you know, experimented with different sounds, done some instrumentals, varied it up with a little ethnic spice...
I am a pretty big fan of the s/t and I liked most of Mate, Kill, Repeat, but I thought Iowa was a terrible album. Whoever said stupid lyrics was right. I couldn't stand that album, maybe the new one they put out will be better.

The thing that pisses me off about that band is Corey Taylor. They put out two (Major label) fucking albums, the second one doesn't do so well so he goes and starts another band??? I think side projects are fine, but to go and do a tour and everything doesn't make any sense to me. That Stone Sour band he was in is godawful in my opinion, and I think he just did it for the $$. Put the time and energy into the band that got you somewhere dickhead. He also tends to make an ass out of himself in the press quite often. If I was in a band with him that kind of bullshit would NOT be tolerated.

I know alot of people can't stand Slipknot, I just wanted to add my two cents. Are they one of my favorite bands, not even close, but I don't hate them. I think SOME people just bash them because of the fact that they are popular. If they weren't selling albums these people still wouldn't like them, but they also wouldn't bother to rip on them either. That's the price you pay when you sell millions I guess!
Triumphant Apostle said:
I am a pretty big fan of the s/t and I liked most of Mate, Kill, Repeat, but I thought Iowa was a terrible album. Whoever said stupid lyrics was right. I couldn't stand that album, maybe the new one they put out will be better.

The thing that pisses me off about that band is Corey Taylor. They put out two (Major label) fucking albums, the second one doesn't do so well so he goes and starts another band??? I think side projects are fine, but to go and do a tour and everything doesn't make any sense to me. That Stone Sour band he was in is godawful in my opinion, and I think he just did it for the $$. Put the time and energy into the band that got you somewhere dickhead. He also tends to make an ass out of himself in the press quite often. If I was in a band with him that kind of bullshit would NOT be tolerated.

I know alot of people can't stand Slipknot, I just wanted to add my two cents. Are they one of my favorite bands, not even close, but I don't hate them. I think SOME people just bash them because of the fact that they are popular. If they weren't selling albums these people still wouldn't like them, but they also wouldn't bother to rip on them either. That's the price you pay when you sell millions I guess!

I agree with that, but to be fair, Stone Sour was Corey's band before Slipknot. If anyone wants a hard CD to track down, try and get the unreleased version of Stone Sour. I've got the MP3's for it (somewhere), but I have yet to see the disc.
They used to be different, though. No bullshit screaming, I hear. More like Alice In Chains than the quasi-Slipknot clone the current incarnation is.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Well, Thrice are a whole fucking lot better than Hoobasuck.

Also, I agree with ffanatic that Corey's lyrics sucked on Iowa. How do you go from "My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up, this is not the way I pictured me," or "I'm not the second coming I'm the first wave--you better get an army cause the fire left me unscathed," "I can only die over time...only one of us walks away," "You can't kill me, I'm already inside you,"


"We all got left behind, I feel it all slipping away..." "I wanna slit your throat, and fuck the wound!" "PEOPLE = SHIT!!!"

Geez...not to mention his voice is kinda annoying...
All those lyrics are bollox. :Smug: