Slow Attack and Makeup Gain


Jan 24, 2012
Example: Lets say we are setting up a bus compressor, how do you deal with makeup gain when using a slow attack? Bringing up the makeup gain brings up the level of the uncompressed initial attack as well. The more im typing this, it seems like a dumb question. Hope someone can make some sense out of it. Obviously leaving more headroom is the ticket but i just thought perhaps this would be a neat discussion. Cheers.
Example: Lets say we are setting up a bus compressor, how do you deal with makeup gain when using a slow attack? Bringing up the makeup gain brings up the level of the uncompressed initial attack as well. The more im typing this, it seems like a dumb question. Hope someone can make some sense out of it. Obviously leaving more headroom is the ticket but i just thought perhaps this would be a neat discussion. Cheers.

Not a stupid question by any means per se, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around what the actual question / problem is? For me the whole premise of using slower attack on a compressor is that when you bring up the make up gain to a equal level, the transients are magnified?

Of course if you are pounding the roof with your meters, I can see how that could pose some problems. To which I'd suggest that you simply stop doing that.. That being working with starved headroom, not using longer attack times.
Not a stupid question by any means per se, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around what the actual question / problem is? For me the whole premise of using slower attack on a compressor is that when you bring up the make up gain to a equal level, the transients are magnified?

Of course if you are pounding the roof with your meters, I can see how that could pose some problems. To which I'd suggest that you simply stop doing that.. That being working with starved headroom, not using longer attack times.

this is exactly what I thinking, when I compress with slow attack type the initial transients are left alone so the volume is raised, just wondered about headroom and levels etc. most of you are at before compressing. When you look at certain examples on YouTube etc of people compressing the mix bus they are usually adding some makeup gain, which with a slow attck will raise the level of the initial transients possibly clipping, obviously more headroom solves the issue but I thought it would make good conversation.