Slowly sneaking back...


Robin Jonsson
Nov 22, 2001
Bollnäs, Sweden
Hi all!

Well, I guess it's official now...we're back...I've heard alot of talk about this and I understand the people that have doubts...I can only say this: Have patience, all bands sometimes meet with problems...of any kind...we were lucky to come upon ours at a time when we were not signed to a label, thus we had the time to sort things out in peace...We have decided to start over veeery easy...we've done 3 gigs in Sweden so far, mainly to see if we can still work as a band...those gigs went great and we felt good about it so...Allthough we are a bit spread out for the moment (Tony moved to Stockholm and Charles and Micke are working weeks there) we feel that we can work together again...I'm told that Tony started writing music again and I'm looking forward to listening to his ideas, Peter also has some ideas musicwise so...who knows...maybe a new album someday...but as I said, be patient...we do not expect people to welcome us with open arms, nor do we want to rush into something too fast...I hope that our fans understands what happened, and I'm sorry it did happen, and that we someday have the opportunity to get out there and play for all of You again soon...I most of all hope that this will work out this time...thanx to all of You who cared enough to make us wake up and "smell the coffee"...I personally think that You had an impact on us all...thanx...C-YA somewhere in time...CHEERZ!!! Robin
... Best of luck for you guys, I know how things get when your in a band with people. It gets hard sometimes.

I look forward to anything that you guys do in the future, but if you leave it as is, then thanks for your cool records that you've already done!!

Lefay rule..!
Originally posted by Trapped
... Best of luck for you guys, I know how things get when your in a band with people. It gets hard sometimes.

I look forward to anything that you guys do in the future, but if you leave it as is, then thanks for your cool records that you've already done!!

Lefay rule..!
Trapped said it all!
Lefay are great! Come to Greece for a gig!(knowing that they propably won't::cry: :waah: )
Originally posted by Gaunerin
Yeah, great to see you around, Robin! :)

yes, and great to see you tonight Gaunerin :grin:
wonder if I find my X-mas dinner then, hee hee...
Hot lamb.... hm.... maybe with... mince sauce... :loco:
Originally posted by Silkie

yes, and great to see you tonight Gaunerin :grin:
wonder if I find my X-mas dinner then, hee hee...
Hot lamb.... hm.... maybe with... mince sauce... :loco:

:lol: :lol: So, it's finally a lamb we're looking for.....I was a bit confused about it in the end...could have been a real nice cuddly rabbit as well.....
Anyway, I'll keep my finger's crossed!

CU later! :)
Originally posted by Gaunerin

:lol: :lol: So, it's finally a lamb we're looking for.....I was a bit confused about it in the end...could have been a real nice cuddly rabbit as well.....
Anyway, I'll keep my finger's crossed!

CU later! :)

What a night, LOL...
No hot lamb and the rabbit wasn't really my cup of tea...
*sticking the tongue out* :grin: