Sludgette of the Month

I don't think she's very pretty. Her body is okay but that's about it.

Oh well, nothing putting a bag over her head won't fix... :lol: :lol: Especially in that tartan skirt outfit... :D
She does have awesome taste in music though! She listed some great bands there! I wish there was a chick around for me who likes that stuff!
Yes, I know that Terry lol. I didn't mean her.

I said I wish there was a chick around for me (as in who lives in Melbourne, not the US!) who likes that stuff!
Nup. As I said, nothing a bag over her head wouldn't fix.. :lol: Hahaha! Nah I'm not that sexist lol. I wouldn't say no though if offered I don't think hehe :D
MetalMeshuggahMan said:
she is a lesbian, she said so, Trent sorry to let your hopes down :(


(six away from nine-hundred)
If Troops and his glam power cant make a woman change teams, I dont know what would.
Well I have to at least find her face attractive to look at. Nothing to do with what's meant to be good looking or whatever, I just have to find her attractive to me (usually a pleasant, friendly looking face is what I consider pretty) and she has a bitchy looking face. That can be sexy sometimes I spose but not in her case.