SM57/interface impedance question.


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
We (the_Drip and myself) are doing some reamping....we read somewhere that the recommended impedance of the SM57 is between 1.5k-2k ohms. We were looking into what the impedance of the M-Audio Profire 2626 (3.7k) and the Presonus FP10 (1.6k), which is what we have on hand...we also looked up the API 512c for reference (1.5k). The question is whether the Profire is technically causing a tonal difference in the sound of the 57? Is the impedance too high for a clear representation of what the SM57 is supposed to be giving?

(we're reamping with the Profire, not that it matters...)
I like to record my 57 on 1.2kOhm through my Audient... if i switch it to 200 Ohm it get's to dark/lazy ... and in 5kOhm it's just too bright and hot!