The Best 8 channel preamp and interface up to 600$


New Metal Member
Dec 2, 2008
Yeah I know, so I explain again, and sorry for my english:erk:
I search a preamp with 8 independent channel and digital out, because I want to connect directly to my PC. That's all:goggly:
I owned the OctoPre once before, it's an alright unit. I'd say that OR the M-Audio Octane, either one would be a winner IMO.
ART tubefire doesn't have ADAT outs I think, though there is a new version coming out in a couple of months that does.

Lots of people on here like the Octopre for a quiet clean pre,

M Audio Profire 2626 has decent pre's and will also run as a AD/DA converter and a Pro Tools interface. Also the DI inputs are 1 Mohm so good for using as guitar DI's