Favourite <$1000 8 Channel ADAT Mic pre?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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In a few months I'm going to be adding an 8 channel ADAT pre to my Saffire Pro rig, just wondering what you guys would recommend? So far these are what I've come across...

Focusrite Octopre
Presonus Digimax FS or LT
Mackie Onyx 800R
M-Audio Octane

Anything cool out there that I'm missing?
Are the preamps of the Octopre LE same or at least comparable?

the octopre preamps sound way more transparent and definitely nicer on guitar and drums than the RME preamps...

the RMe are a bit "warmer" but that is actually more a "duller" more "muffled" than a real warm.

when I did the shootout I was impressed by the Focusrite and really dissapointed by the RME.

I'm using the RME preamps for triggers only now ;)
I got that, but I was refering to the Octopre LE as against to simply Octopre :)

As for your trigger pre's ...wanna sell me some? :Saint:
I know but since I'm in the market for mic pres, the quadmic is of interest to me. If you don't really need it you can make me an offer and I may buy it from you. Otherwise I guess I'll be looking at the octopre LE, though, as always, I'm short on cash.