sm57 vs e906


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
... I had an interesting experience the other day. I've been dedicated to using my SM57 for recording and gigging the the most part of 2 years on my guitar cabs. It always worked out pretty good, but there has always been a few niggling issues with it that have cause the result to always be a little 'out' to what I hoped..

Now Friday past, we played a gig and our usual sound guy opted to use the e906's that the venue provided for a chance and I was totally fine with it... low and behold, my tone came out just the way I wanted it, a bit smooth fuller and overall closer to how the amp sounded to me in front of it.... I was really truly damn impressed,

So after doing some research here is my conclusion...
The e906 actually seems like it would be better a suited mic to recording guitars over 57. With a smoother high end and fuller low mid response, I don't quite understand why I have missed out on noticing this mic so much until now :S I'm going to buy one and do some shootouts cause this is ridiciulous :p



Paired up with a 57 I really like a 906. On it's own it can be a bit mid heavy though.

It does depend on the cab/speakers though. When mic'ing a Marshall 2x12" with T75 speakers I really preferred the 906 to a 57.

The 906 has less of the spiky shit going on in the high's than the 57 does, which makes it much more pleasant solo'd but in the mix it can be a bit too polite sometimes. The 906 is much less sensitive to placement due to the larger diaphragm.
Hey guru, definitely e906
<-- This bad boy!

I was really impressed. And I think it's that spike shit in the 57 that I was noticing most, and using a mesa amp of any kind tends to bring out a bit of 6khz anyways, having the 57 was a bit overkill. With the mid scooped on my mark iv, the 906 just made everything pleasant. It was a fun experience to say the least!
An ex-studio owner I hung with used to really like these on guitar cabs from memory.

My own experiences in the studio always seemed to lead to results that were a bit too dull, muddy and somewhat phasey sounding too. Can imagine they'd really help live. They don't have any particularly harsh high-mid tendencies that would get in the way of vox.
I don't really like the e609 in studio use, it's too shrill and muddy. Though with a SM57 providing the bite, it's pretty cool. And for live use it rules, just hang it from the handle of the amp and go, it's so easy that I prefer them over the SM57 when doing live sound.

I do not know what the mic they sell as e609 here is in the States though, I think I read somewhere that their names are different. The e409 with the golden grille is very nice BTW! I haven't seen too many of them around since it's not in production anymore, which is a shame. I was honestly quite surprised when I tried it, as I was expecting something more along the lines of the e609.

Oh, and this was about the e906, oops. Well, haven't heard it so I can't comment really.
Hey guru, definitely e906
<-- This bad boy!

I was really impressed. And I think it's that spike shit in the 57 that I was noticing most, and using a mesa amp of any kind tends to bring out a bit of 6khz anyways, having the 57 was a bit overkill. With the mid scooped on my mark iv, the 906 just made everything pleasant. It was a fun experience to say the least!
Mids scooped on the 5 band or on the independant EQ?

I find that if I scoop the middle slider on my IV, it gets TOO scooped too quick.....