Small/Cheap FireWire interface for... rap?!

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Got a friend that wants to start tracking better quality vocals for some rap projects he's interested in...

Ive got a Digi002 and Pro Tools and that's all im used to ever using, so, I dont know much about the smaller tools to recommend him much.

Anybody got any recommendations? I've seen some things from PreSonus, Focusrite and TC Electronics but Im sure Im missing some details and you guys may know some things to look out for so I can tell my buddy.

He's by no means needing to go insane and pro and buy tons of shit... just wants better quality rap vocal recordings, and Im the one recommending he put that firewire port to use, get an interface, get an SM58, and get after it.

Thanks in advance guys.
Nah may as well stick with firewire honestly.

Looks like the main players are the Echo AudioFire, PreSonus FireStudio Mobile, and Focusrite Saffire. Any recommendations between these?
Definitely true. Figure they're all the same price point anyways so may as well get the "best one". Who knows, maybe he branches out into other shit at some point, hahah

Why the Saffire though? After a bit of digging I may actually lean to the audiofire a bit due to everyone's high praise for their converters being the same as RME's... thats def interesting.
i like like the saffire pro 40 quality so that's why i said saffire. if he goes with eccoh than that's a good choice too, i mean i've heard guitar come through it, not mixed, and it was good, so i can't futz about that!