Small (medium?;) suggestion on the Merchandise


New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2006
Can we get medium sizes and not just Large and XL? Not all of us are tall dudes :) There are so many bands I want to buy shirts for but I never can because places only have XL size and lots of people don't want to buy if they cant wear it without it falling off of them. I've seen this concern on a lot of different metal boards regarding Merch sizes so I know i'm not the only one.

I'm sorry to make a new topic on it, but I wanted to make sure this gets out there. Either way, thanks for all the hard work Kalmah, we appreciate the effort you put into the new album, the site, and the upcoming merchandise that we have all been drooling for.
It would have been equally read if it this was written in the Merch page :rolleyes: I hope these kind of threads won't be as (omni)present as the "OMG The Black Waltz Review on MetalJohnDoe.Com" !!!1

Even though the album kicks major ass indeed - but there is never a good reason for spamming/flooding.
XL is good for me Boho for you medium sized guys :p (evil smile)
You can always get a large shirt and keep it in water for few days until it shrinks lol (just joking!!)
wristbands in my opinion are pretty gay
and at least l{alma}l has shirts so stop your bitchin
xshadowsoulsx said:
i would hope the thick cloth ones

Not a big fan of those...but if they came out with a black rubber wrist band with the Kalmah logo with The Black Waltz written on it that would be awesome.