
Have you guys ever come to the UK / is there any chance it might happen soon? Just a wee London date would be amazing. =p
Have you guys ever come to the UK / is there any chance it might happen soon? Just a wee London date would be amazing. =p

No they have never been to the UK. I can't speak for the band but it's doubtful thats going to happen anytime soon unless they got some decent financial incentive. Everyone in the band is pretty much working full time at other jobs so they simply dont have the means to go on crazy tours. They barely do more than a handful of gigs in their own country currently. I always bug Dan and Dave to play more live gigs though trust me! :lol: :kickass:
Arcane Son - No they have never been to the UK. I can't speak for the band but it's doubtful thats going to happen anytime soon unless they got some decent financial incentive. Everyone in the band is pretty much working full time at other jobs so they simply dont have the means to go on crazy tours. They barely do more than a handful of gigs in their own country currently. I always bug Dan and Dave to play more live gigs though trust me!

Hey c'mon now! The focus through the better half of the last 3 years has been spent on writing and recording the new album. More work has gone into our little record that most big bands put into their big records, and this is just how long it takes to do it right. "You can't chase two rabbits." Our gigging situation will change when the album is out and we can finally focus on just playing shows for once. + Full time day jobs are a necessity for 99% of all people in metal bands and yes that does include us. There's no other way.

Arcane Son - I can't speak for the band but it's doubtful thats going to happen anytime soon...

You may just puke your pants when you find out what's in the works here. There's lots of details to work through of course, but it seems the opportunity has presented itself via Paul of November's Doom. :kickass: It's so huge, I feel I won't even be able to believe it's happening myself until I'm there, and it's actually happening before my own tired eyes. :p
I know why Paul is smiling...
David asked him to be his best man at his wedding.

Paul answer was:
"Your dreams inspire me
To be the best man, I can be
To never let you down"

I know why Paul is smiling...
David asked him to be his best man at his wedding.

Paul answer was:
"Your dreams inspire me
To be the best man, I can be
To never let you down"


:lol: that was classic!